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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Pretty much how I felt about Kubrick’s version. I haven’t watched the miniseries, though. I heard it’s much closer to the book, but also not well made. The Shining is one of my favorite King books. Definitely in my top 5 out of the 40 or so I’ve read so far.
  2. Doctor Sleep Director’s Cut 9/10 Rebecca Ferguson was a captivating villain. I felt it did justice to the book for the most part and it felt like a proper sequel to Kubrick’s film. I actually liked the ending, despite not really loving Kubrick’s vision.
  3. Still working on No Ordinary Time, but my current fiction books are Yellow Wife by Sadeqa Johnson and The King of Lies by John Hart.
  4. I’ve put 14k miles on my truck in the 3 years I’ve had it. Husband works remotely and his 2011 Camry is around 57k miles. No sense in us buying new vehicles anytime soon. And I’ll always have a truck. Am gonna need new tires before super long, though. I don’t really look forward to that.
  5. Benny to NY makes me sad. Well, I'll always keep my Red Sox Benintendi jersey.
  6. How is it possible to be this fucking juvenile and shitty? Our “leaders” are an embarrassment.
  7. I haven’t read a newspaper comic section in years. Peanuts will always be my favorite. I have a hardcover collection containing all 50 years of strips. 25 volumes.
  8. We watched 1408 last night, it was enjoyable. A solid 8/10. Good bit different from the short story, but I liked the changes.
  9. I’ve done that a fair few times on patients. And sometimes, our strips just act dead and won’t react. Really annoying.
  10. Doctor Sleep by Stephen King We Own This City by Justin Fenton
  11. A good portion of my shifts are spent making sure old people don’t fall just by getting out of the bed.
  12. Yeah, that’s brutal for Sale. Second start back and freak bad luck.
  13. I once had a diabetic patient whose fingers were black and ready to fall off refusing to have another amputation because he’d already lost both legs.
  14. I know I could move and I’m certainly not ruling it out someday. I’m at least fortunate enough to live in a blue city and not having kids does help. I definitely wouldn’t want to raise kids in this state. But I’ve also made a comfortable life for myself here and it would be hard to move somewhere with a much higher cost of living and not being able to have quite the same lifestyle. Especially with the housing market now.
  15. @Rachel now I understand the misogyny part you mentioned. Yikes. 😬
  16. Just got back from the theater. I probably enjoyed that as much as I did Ragnarok. Thor's guns, Jane's guns, Thor's butt, screaming goats, and a jealous Stormbreaker were all highlights for me.
  17. I had no idea who you were when you made this post. That really sucks, I'm sorry to hear. Hope you're doing okay otherwise. It's been a few years.
  18. I haven't, which is remarkable given my work. I really thought I did a couple weeks ago, but the test was negative at the clinic.
  19. More covid cases at work, though the ones I'm seeing aren't that sick and going home after a night or two. Had out first monkey pox case this week. Young gay male who works as a flight attendant.
  20. I do, but it sometimes throws off my sleep for when I actually go to bed. I nap at various times and on my couch. I have a comfy pillow and blanket.
  21. Going to see this tonight. Looking forward to it. Thor has always been my favorite character in the MCU.
  22. You went off on a guy who just lost his beloved pet because he forgot to give you an upvote on a message board. OK.
  23. You seem really bitter when people call you out. Like goddamn, your reaction to Wade in that thread was insensitive and petty.
  24. Holy shit. Personally, I find Kal to be a perfectly lovely person who was very accommodating to us on two separate trips to Boston. And he makes a mean prime rib and those lobster rolls were to die for.
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