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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I know, lol. I’m a Boston fan, so I certainly deal with my share of heartbreak and frustration. Since Boston is out, I’m pulling for Seattle the rest of the season. I love the ballpark, too. Got to see the roof come out.
  2. That was the absolute greatest game I’ve ever seen in person. Can I become a Mariners fan now?
  3. Seattle bullpen implosion. Husband is getting mad because he wants to go to this retro game store and it’s getting later.
  4. Happy with our seats today. Very excited to see Julio Rodriguez hit a bomb on his first pitch.
  5. Yeah, it was completely not computing for me. Been awake since 0530 central time. Flew to Atlanta for a 3 hour layover, then 5 hours to Seattle. I am bushed.
  6. Oh, derp. I blame it on flying through 4 time zones today.
  7. I really don’t listen or music with that word in it. But I wouldn’t if I did. Edit: I don’t get the joke.
  8. Started the Talisman last night. For nonfiction, I've been reading Five Days at Memorial by Sherri Fink. I've wanted to read it for years, but the Apple TV show finally pushed me to start it.
  9. Been constantly anxious for the last week, but some good news at last. Her CT and MRI came back negative. No evidence of metastasis and it’s not attached to the chest wall. The not knowing the extent was killing me. I feel some relief now. Still gonna be a long road, but knowing it was caught early is good news in the big picture. She got her port placed today and chemo will start soon.
  10. Watched the first episode just now. This is really good stuff. I'm nowhere near a hurricane zone, but I can feel that kind of palpable fear a hospital worker would have in that situation. Terror for the patients and yourself.
  11. Have my copy from Amazon arriving Tuesday next week. Debating on taking that on vacation or finally getting around to The Talisman.
  12. Yeah, they did the genetics testing on her Monday and those results should be back in a couple weeks. If she carries the gene, I’ll be getting tested quickly. We have no family history of breast cancer, so I’m hoping that’s negative at least.
  13. Oncology isn’t my area, but apparently with this type of cancer, the recommendation is chemo prior to surgery. The tumor is kind of large and needs to be shrunk first. The surgeon said this type is very responsive to chemo, so that’s the good news. She’ll have to do 6 treatments, one every three weeks. She’s having a CT Friday can MRI Tuesday, and a port placed Wednesday. I’m just desperately hoping there’s no distant mets yet. The not knowing is the worst part. (Also, I’m her daughter.) Both my parents are nurses and that both helps, since we’re all apt to understand more, but it’s also hard that we do understand more. If that makes sense.
  14. I went with her to her appointment this morning. Hers is an aggressive type and the recommendation is chemo first before surgery. Good news is the aggressiveness means it’s usually really responsive to treatment. Everyone is pretty emotional right now.
  15. Ah. I only go to Discord if I’m curious about board drama, lol.
  16. I just don’t see a point in constantly going after someone. They’re gonna act the way they act and trying to pick fights and being antagonistic isn’t going to shame them into changing. It just ruins threads that would otherwise be fine.
  17. It’s never great to start a book during the middle of a work week. I’ve started both The Children on the Hill by Jennifer McMahon and Bag of Bones by Stephen King. I think I’m going to enjoy them when I actually have time to relax and get absorbed.
  18. I haven’t heard of this. May finally get me to use my Apple sub outside of the occasional baseball game.
  19. Yeah, I get being in the hospital is frightening for most people and even though he’s not my favorite person, I still don’t need to shit on him when he’s dealing with that.
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