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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. My grandfather was a T2DM and was insulin dependent in his later years. Not really overweight and other than one hospitalization for DKA when I was really young, he didn't have many issues. He died at 87 from respiratory failure d/t pneumonia. Never had any other chronic complications from his diabetes, always stayed out of the hospital. I grew up thinking that was typical for diabetics. His diet was all home cooked meals from my grandma, no added sugar to anything, sugar-free this and that, a diet soda here and there, etc. Then I went into the medical field and realized that was hardly the case for most people with the condition. Noncompliance is with every chronic health issue. We'd lose half our patients if everyone followed their physician recs for their conditions. My grandma is diabetic, but doesn't need insulin. She's more overweight, but hers is all diet controlled.
  2. Current fiction: Stolen Tongues by Felix Blackwell Think I’m gonna start The Institute by Stephen King today, too.
  3. I don't worry about paying any of my necessities and I pretty much buy whatever I want. I still have a healthy chunk in savings if I ever have a big emergency. Aside from the markets being crap now, my retirement outlook is good. My 30 year mortgage will be paid off in year 9(next year). I have no other debts.
  4. 2 episodes in and I like it. I’ll binge it this weekend and likely finish it, but I have to work the next three nights.
  5. Arkansas Tennessee Mississippi Missouri Texas Oklahoma Louisiana Alabama Georgia Florida North Carolina Virginia Illinois Indiana Ohio West Virginia Pennsylvania New York Massachusetts New Hampshire Maine Kansas Nebraska Wyoming Montana Idaho Washington Oregon What's that, 28?
  6. Mr Harrigan's Phone 7/10. I loved the novella, but something about this felt a tad flat. But it was still a solid adaptation.
  7. This Mariners team does seem really special.
  8. Was disappointed when I woke up and saw the score at 8-1. What a wild game.
  9. Currently on The Lincoln Highway by Amor Towles and Russia: Revolution and Civil War by Antony Beevor.
  10. I really didn't realize charging cables were such serious business. Also, am I doing something wrong, because I've hardly ever had a cable screw up or become frayed. I just don't think a ton about it. I have lightning for my iphone and ipad, USB-C for my Switch and current gen controllers, and I have a Kindle, so I still have to use a micro-USB. It's a minor annoyance, having to carry 3 different cables when I travel, but I never think too much about it.
  11. I had a few days off and I came up to visit. My dad has been taking her to chemo but he had work last night and tonight, so I’m with her. Cold up in this place. But she gets a comfy recliner and she brought a blanket. And books. I’ll probably go out shopping in a bit since this is gonna last well into the afternoon. This is her 4th round and she seems to be doing pretty well so far. Side effects have been pretty minor. Her hair has started falling out really fast, so she’s bummed about that. It was expected of course, but it doesn’t make it any easier. I’m just glad I can be here for her some.
  12. I need to read My Heart is a Chainsaw. Bought it on a Kindle sale last year. Currently trying to pick out my spooky October reads.
  13. No, I prefer reading these days. I don't game near as much as I used to. It's been close to a month since I last played anything. Now reading, I take with me anywhere. A book or my Kindle is always with me.
  14. First Hogs game I’ve been around to watch this season. Boooo.
  15. I like the color. But I don’t wear Nikes. Just bought any first pair of On Clouds today. Think I’m gonna like these.
  16. Finishing up The Princes in the Tower by Alison Weir for my nonfiction. For fiction, I'm bouncing between The House Across the Lake by Riley Sager, The Final Revival of Opal and Nev by Dawnie Walton, and The Road of Bones by Christopher Golden.
  17. It makes sense to me, but may look weird to someone just looking in. First, I keep my read book on different shelves than my unread books(I have a lot of those, lol). I keep fiction separate from nonfiction. With fiction, I keep authors together and mostly by genre(horror, historical fiction, classics, contemporary, etc). Similar with nonfiction, I try too keep the subjects separated(military, WWII, civil rights, Middle Ages, etc). I try to alphabetize within those subsections, but it doesn’t always work out. And my Book of the Month titles have their own section and are alpha by author. Works for me and I have this weird joy with occasionally reorganizing my books if I get unsatisfied with something.
  18. There was a fatal shooting at the sister hospital across town where I work. It’s really a fantastic facility. Got everyone on edge here. We had to lock down earlier tonight when a ton of family members went berserk in our ED . 1 dead and 1 in custody after a shooting at an Arkansas hospital, officials say WWW.NBCNEWS.COM Sherwood police called the deadly shooting "an isolated event that just happened to take place in a public facility."
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