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  1. It’s definitely complicated and morally grey. Both Hezbollah and the right wing extremists in the Israeli government are terrorists. You think everyday Israelis and Palestinians want this shit? No, but it’s definitely a complex question as to who gets what land and how they get to defend it.
  2. Eh I don’t think he was going racist here. He wanted to say “bitch.” Do agree we’re getting the hard r tho
  3. Let me TLDR it for you: JD Vance once held opinions that are totally contrary to the grift he’s in now. This is a surprise to no one.
  4. My wife is watching the Eagles game and I just heard a Harris commercial calling the tariffs “Trump’s Tax” on “Gas, Groceries, Over-the-counter Medication” that will cost the average family $3900/year. So the messaging is out there. They didn’t use the word tariff, though. I don’t know what the graphics were, so maybe it was in there. Not that your average Eagles fan would understand the word tariff. Or your average NFL fan, for that matter.
  5. You ever get in your car in the morning, start driving, and think about how 56% of the country gets the privilege to take your life into their hands? shit. Voters narrowly support Trump's tariff pitch, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds
  6. This Bucs-Lions games is a bumblefuck. Some individuals are having a decent game, but as teams they’re both trash today.
  7. Line up the Mormon doctors. Call it salvation and they’ll jump right in.
  8. What about fire? Painful, effective, but a lot less mess.
  9. There are plenty. It’s just that the guts and shit gum up the insides too much to be practical.
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