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Posts posted by Anzo

  1. 6 minutes ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

    I swear it looks like I am getting 2-tapped by every Bygone I come across. I need to play more Gambit so I can get that gun. I like the rapid fire Pulse rifle archetype. 


    Man, escalation protocol is so fucking stingy. Beat the lvl 7 boss multiple times the other night and only ever go shaders. Not one of the three weapons dropped for me. I really wanna get the shotgun with that trench barrel perk. :cry: maybe I will have better luck this week, but I doubt it. I couldn't get it to drop before Forsaken either. 

    @NeoJoe ran EP around 80 times before he got the Shotgun. 

  2. I'm knocking off a bucket list item this year and participating in Extra Life 2018. I'm been wanting to do this for a number of years now and speaking with the good folks at EL at PAX West this year sealed the deal.


    For anyone who might be unfamiliar with the cause, Extra Life unites thousands of gamers around the world to play games in support of their local Children's Miracle Network Hospital. Since its inception in 2008, Extra Life has raised more than $40 million for sick and injured kids. I hope you can help me as I try to meet my goal of $1000 for Children's Miracle Network. My hospital of choice is Peace Health Sacred Heart Medical Center in Eugene Oregon. We had our youngest child at this hospital earlier this year and I can attest to the quality care they provide, especially to young kids. 


    My personal drive page can be found here


    This year's Extra Life will be held on November 3rd. I will be streaming on my Twitch channel via PS4 for the entire 24 hours starting at 12:01 AM. I will also be recruiting the help of my kids to take over the stream at times for some couch co-op games like Treadnaughts and Towerfall. My oldest son will jump into some Fortnite and I'll be at the helm for the majority of the time for some Destiny 2 co-op activities with some fellow D1Pers in the afternoon and evening.


    I hope you will consider donating to this cause. Even if you don't, I hope you will drop into the stream and leave a note of support at some point throughout the day.




  3. 21 hours ago, mo1518 said:

    There's a purification quest that involves shattered throne? I thought it was just the strike, ascendant challenge and blind well. 

    Yes there is. Been sitting in my inventory since last week. Thankfully they don't expire because I've had the one to kill knights in the ascendant realm since week 2.

  4. 5 minutes ago, eggydoo said:

    Got my 2nd exotic from Shaxx and its forsaken warlock boots for arc subclass.  Which is kind of unfortunate cause I am really really liking the nova warp super right now for PvP and PvE.  


    Did you guys run the raid yet?  Its the only thing I haven't done yet.

    I actually started the PvP quests just because.

    I got those boots too. I have the seed for the arc class but am finishing up my void one, which I also like a lot. 


    We we attempted the first encounter of the raid last week but didn’t finish. Have the mechanics down but couldn’t put it together for 3 rounds before people needed to log off. Should get her this weekend. 

  5. I’m not getting the battery performance nor charging efficiency that @Emblazon mentioned he had with the series 3 either.  I am able to sleep with it and use a silent alarm, which is more than I can say with my S0. I get a good amount of charge back even if I only leave it on there for 10-15 minutes. 


    It is weird, some days the battery Lasts forever and others I lose 50% after a few hours without workouts. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

    Does D1P have a Destiny 2 PC clan? If so I would love an invite! 

    Some of us who own it on both platforms are in the same Sparrow Me the Crap clan on both. The PC side is really barren though in regards to activity. @Brick just joined a pretty active one that has some D1P members that is run by @BasemntDweller2  I believe. 

  7. 4 hours ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

    On the subject of sub classes, progressing through Well of Radiance is annoying. Just unlocking the melee ability feels like a chore. Of coarse like all new subclasses you have to get kills using the abilities of that subclass, but kills while buffed by the super or rift does not count at all. ... It was much faster to finish the warlock's void subclass. Kills while buffed should count. 



    Anywho, the economy of master work cores for infusing has me pretty much hording any core I get, and not master working or infusing anything. For this reason I also have not finished the Ace of Spades quest, because I do not want to burn through all my cores just so it keeps up with the rest of my gear's power. 


    I'd rather it cost 100,000 glimmer to infuse anything rather than cost any cores. At least it would just be a short grind to farm enough glimmer to do it. 

    The core economy is too steep at the moment and Bungie is looking at it. Hopefully sooner rather than later. 


    I just did the Warlock Solar subclass and it didn't seem much longer than any of the 3 Titan ones. Maybe a tad longer.

  8. I played it briefly at PAX but enjoyed it. Will have beta access when it launches as well as the base $20 game. StrifeCro said it best, board state dictates the game rather than some non-interactive one turn kill combo. It is impossible to do that in this game. Looking forward to diving in more once my beta access is active. 

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