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Posts posted by thewhyteboar

  1. God I hate Republicans. They are targeting some of the most vulnerable people in our society just to score political points and because they can. They are truly cruel and evil people devoid of any compassion or empathy. I hope that the Jesus they so fervently claim to believe in is real and that there is divine punishment awaiting them.

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  2. 22 minutes ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

    Dude looks really into his job

    They say choose a job you'll love and you'll never work a day in his life, and Manfred just fucking loves destroying baseball. 


    Fuck the owners. This is all on them.

  3. 6 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


    ”Translation” from Reddit:
    ”So, the soldier's basically asking the locals about how they could surrender (him and his team in the armored vehicle).

    He explains that they had no idea they were gonna invade Ukraine, that they do not want this, and the local says to him that if they leave their military equipment and peacefully come with him, he's gonna lock them in his barn, call the Ukrainian military, and give them up, no harm done.”



    This is what I'm hoping for. I hope that more Russian soldiers throw down their weapons and surrender. They were lied to and now they are dying. They don't have to keep dying for the lying pig who is recklessly tossing them into the meat grinder.

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