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Posts posted by thewhyteboar

  1. 4 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

    A classic

    Oh man. He wasn't doing his daily spot on the radio show that I listen to, they said he was out sick. That's horrible. His poor wife is disabled and he was her primary caretaker.

  2. If free speech is an arena, then conservatives are losing because their ideas are stupid and not popular. Rather than change their ideas, they complain about how unfair it all is and work the refs. And it’s working! The media is so afraid of being accused of bias that they refuse to call a lie a lie. Conservatives approach everything they do in bad faith, but boneheads at the New York Times give them credence because if they call them out for it, then oh no they did a big bias and the right-wing media (which only exists as a sinecure paid for by billionaires) will call them out for it. 

    • True 3
  3. 22 hours ago, thewhyteboar said:

    Including a kid in my daughter's daycare class. Luckily she tested negative. Shit is wild. The vaccination rate is incredibly high though, as well as boosters. Wish I could get my daughter vaccinated though.

    Well, my daughter had a fever last night. The home test was negative. The fever persisted all night so we went to the doctor today and my daughter is positive. My wife and I are negative but my baby is positive. 16 months old.

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  4. 21 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

    What I had read was even though the unvaccinated were only 6% of the population, they were 60%+ of the serious hospitalizations and deaths.  Is that what you are hearing there?

    Yeah, and a lot of breakthrough cases for old people, who were vaccinated last spring with Astra-Zeneca. They've been trying to get boosters for all the older folk. My in-laws were vaccinated with Astra-Zeneca but both got Pfizer boosters earlier in January or so.


    And anecdotally, a lot of kids. I think about 4 or 5 kids from my daughter's daycare? The father of some kids that I tutor told me that he has basically accepted that his kids will catch it and that it will be a light case if they do, so he isn't holding them back from doing activities.

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