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Everything posted by thewhyteboar

  1. This meatball is cooked. He’s like a 15 year old dominating his little league but collapses at the first curve ball. This primary will be a massacre.
  2. The good news: the WBC got my wife really into baseball. The bad news: now she is a massive Ohtani fan. I'm trying to get her interested in the Mariners season...but no dice so far.
  3. I'm hearing from sources that the arrest was delayed until the police could locate child-sized handcuffs.
  4. Don't forget the gout. All these fools were mainlining port like it was nothing. Just brush their knee with a feather and they will be in agonizing pain.
  5. And Mexico takes the lead again. Incredible.
  6. This War Will Destabilize The Entire Mideast Region And Set Off A Global Shockwave Of Anti-Americanism vs. No It Won’t WWW.THEONION.COM George W. Bush may think that a war against Iraq is the solution to our problems, but the reality is, it will only serve to create far more. Still a banger.
  7. The FBI better be careful when they do raid, Mar-A-Lago is filled with so many KFC buckets that the whole compound could go up like a tinderbox.
  8. What broke the US is the direct line from Nixon's pardon, to Reagan's crime, to Bush's illegal war, to Trump. Republican presidents have learned that they can do whatever they want with impunity.
  9. It's still so frustrating that no one had to pay a price for this fuckup. Other than the dead soldiers and Iraqis. The cheerleading journalists? Still doing their thing. The politicians who led the lie? Still in office or retired with reputation intact.
  10. Every single one of them. They were short, fat, had terrible nutrition, probably riddled with intestinal parasites and rickets, and were drunk off their asses 24/7. Most of them had slaves so they never did a lick of any kind of physical labor. The only one who gives me pause is Gouverneur Morris. He died because he stuck a whalebone up his own dick. That's terrifying. A man who's willing to do that is capable of anything.
  11. Chaeyoung from Twice wearing a Qanon shirt. Lol @Keyser_Soze
  12. He tweeted (or whatever the verb is for his shitty site) that he will be arrested on Tuesday. Who knows what will happen Tuesday, but I thought that since he is once again inciting his followers to commit political violence it’s post-worthy.
  13. Governor Walz signs free school meals bill for Minnesota students WWW.KARE11.COM Governor Tim Walz visited Webster elementary school in Minneapolis on Friday and signed the free breakfast and lunch bill As opposed to whatever the fuck that Huckabee is doing.
  14. Two thoughts: Aaron Rodgers is the biggest narcissist in sports, and I look forward to the day when I know longer have to hear about his offseason hissy fits. And, if Rashaad Penny is healthy, he will win the rushing title next year.
  15. Japan looks like a juggernaut. We watched the Korea-Japan game the other day. My 28-month old daughter recognizes baseball cause my dad always sings "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" to her. When I asked her what we were watching, she said "Papa sings the song." Gonna be a baseball fan!
  16. I can tell the difference between margarine and butter.
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