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Everything posted by thewhyteboar

  1. They also previously did not expel a GOP rep who sexually abused children (funny how direct the Republican—>sex criminal pipeline is). Until the evil and delusional gun nuts are replaced, children will continue to die.
  2. We already knew he was a vile piece of garbage, but now we know for sure he is a criminal too: Clarence Thomas Secretly Accepted Luxury Trips From Major GOP Donor WWW.PROPUBLICA.ORG Island-hopping on a superyacht. Private jet rides around the world. The undisclosed gifts to Thomas have no known precedent in the modern history of the Supreme...
  3. Occasionally I get that freak Matt Walsh in my For You, but most of the time it's fairly normal stuff. I never see any of the Trumps.
  4. Rough first two series. Luis Castillo looks like a Cy Young candidate at least.
  5. Tennessee Capitol protest explainer: Here's what did and did not happen WWW.TENNESSEAN.COM No demonstrators broke into Capitol, no one was arrested or injured, and no property was damaged at the March 30 protest. Tennessee state GOP moving to expel 3 Dem members for speaking out against gun violence.
  6. Ridley Scott's Napoleon Movie Starring Joaquin Phoenix Gets Theatrical Release Date MOVIEWEB.COM Starring Joaquin Phoenix as Napoleon Bonaparte, Napoleon will hit theaters ahead of its streaming release on Apple TV+. Theaters Nov. 22 and then Apple TV after. How did I not know this? Did I know and forget? I wish we got Kubrick's Napoleon but I'll take it.
  7. When I was in the 5th grade, our teacher made us spell words out loud. He said the word, looked at me, and said "Spell it." I wasn't paying attention, so I just said "eye tee." It got a big laugh. The next kid did the same thing. A bunch of kids laughed. A 3rd kid did it. No one laughed. Elon has a worse sense of humor than that 3rd kid.
  8. Robby "showed up to spring training in the best shape of his life" Ray is still on his bullshit.
  9. Castillo and the bullpen were filthy, France looks to be fully healed, and Kelenic had a good hit. I'm good with that result.
  10. It’s pretty wild how it’s just accepted that every single elected Republican is just openly antisemitic and calling for violence every damn day. And the media has no problem with it and goes along with it.
  11. I’m hearing from my sources that the arrest is on hold until they can find a prison jumpsuit big enough to fit a man of Trump’s carriage. Currently his lawyers are negotiating whether or not he will be allowed to wear a tie down to his bunghole while serving his sentence.
  12. Ashley Feinberg @ashleyfeinberg I would honestly give everything I own to turn this into a bundy-style standoff—leathery retirees armed with AR-15s around the mar-a-lago perimeter, reports of trump running out of vases to shit in after they turn the water off
  13. Time for another update: The Killing of a Chinese Bookie 4/5 Jeanne Dielman 4/5 The Flowers of St. Francis 4.5/5 This ruled. I really dug it. I must be secretly Catholic. Caliber 9 4.5/5 The first of an Italian crime trilogy, and the best by far. No characters carry over, but I liked how the actor who played the villain in the first one, became the hero in the second. And the actor playing the villain in the second became the protagonist of the third. The Italian Connection 3.5/5 The Boss 3.5/5 The Naked City 4/5 Loved how the narrator pronounced words just like Bugs Bunny--moider. There's Always Tomorrow 3.5/5 Oof the gender politics of this. 3 Women 4/5 Still not sure what I watched.
  14. That hairline lol. Now we know he doesn't shave his head cause he likes how it looks, he shaves his head cause that hairline is receding faster than the icepack.
  15. He's been trying to find a way to game the polls since that one said he should step down.
  16. There's no reforming people like this. They are lunatic psychopaths. They dream of the day they can sacrifice their family and die in a hail of bullets fired by the FBI. David Koresh is their idol (in more ways than one).
  17. Too many gifs (hard gee; I’m not a pervert) can be annoying. But the Gen Z thing of staring at the camera with text on screen is just baffling. Darn kids.
  18. So Republicans have been doing that RETVRN bullshit about how we need to go back to classical values…then throw a shitfit when exposed to a Renaissance sculpture? This interview with the chair is something else: An Interview With the School Board Chair Who Forced Out a Principal After Michelangelo’s David Was Shown in Class SLATE.COM "Well, we’re Florida, OK?"
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