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Everything posted by thewhyteboar

  1. Removing our bases because we had close discussions with our closest allies and reaching an amicable agreement: great. Removing our bases because our shitstain baby president threw a toddler* tantrum: not so great. *I realize this is disrespectful to most toddlers. My nephew for example, is capable of far more rational behavior than Trump. He can read better than MAGA-chuds too.
  2. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/27/us/politics/charlottesville-death-hate-crime-charges.html Mr. Superior Genetics could face life in prison.
  3. That's not new. They always have and always will. No one has a bigger martyr complex than an American conservative Christian. And besides, we know the ceiling of the MAGA-chuds; we see that in Trump's approval rating. The key for Democrats is getting their voters to the polls, an enthusiasm that was lacking in 2016.
  4. Jack Pubesack is a conspiracy-theory-mongering dumbass. He's one step above Alex Jones.
  5. Gun owners should be charged as accomplices for any crimes committed with their guns.
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