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Everything posted by thewhyteboar

  1. When Republicans pass a bill or tax cut, they never worry about how much it costs or how to pay for it. Why should liberals?
  2. This is really disappointing. I hope the new ownership group cleans house. This kinda shit is unacceptable.
  3. Megan McCain flips her shit cause deep down she knows she's a leech who has done nothing but will inherit tens of millions of dollars.
  4. I like how he added the parenthetical. Even he knows that his supporters are too stupid to know what that big word means.
  5. Terrible game today. Paxton back on the DL and the bats continued to slump.
  6. Imagine being the pathetic kind of loser who joins a group called the Proud Boys. Really just scraping the bottom of the barrel of humanity.
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