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Everything posted by thewhyteboar

  1. Looks like a toddler melted some of their toys in a microwave.
  2. I learned that "nimrod" is a biblical name, meaning great hunter.So when Bugs Bunny calls Elmer Fudd a "nimrod," he's making a joke about his lack of hunting prowess. Of course now, we associate nimrod with moron.
  3. https://www.kansascity.com/news/local/article217136730.html Security guard fired for asking a bartender for a "Trayvon Martini." “One shot of vodka, watermelon juice, and it only takes one shot because it only takes one shot to put him down!”
  4. McCain opened the door for Trump with his horrible, reckless, and destructive pick of Palin. His family can try to protect his legacy all their want, but his hands aren't clean.
  5. Poor Jeff Sessions. All he wanted to do was strip voting rights from every minority in America. Now he has to deal with all this.
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