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Everything posted by thewhyteboar

  1. Biden is powerful enough to sink a sub and launch a coup, but weak enough that he can't get drug charges dropped. Republicans have the finest brains.
  2. Patrick Wyman: If you're going to hire condottieri to fight your wars, make sure you're keeping them happy: lessons from 15th-century Italy that apparently Russia hasn't learned
  3. Oh sbl absolutely picked up the point I was insinuating. Sure, the risk is low. But the fact remains that the biggest threat to your child will come from a gun. Merely owning a gun will increase your odds (and your child’s odds) of dying in a gun-related incident. So if you do care about keeping children safe, stop buying guns, work to make them illegal. And also stop buying those ridiculous trucks.
  4. People are terrible at risk assessment. People are afraid of things that will just never happen, but blasé about the truly harmful and dangerous things.
  5. Looking forward to Musk inhaling every steroid known to man in 3 days and inflating like a blimp.
  6. He looks like Gollum from that shitty new game. But isn’t that his thing? No adults buy his shit, he’s selling to dumb ignorant 12 year olds.
  7. If we made a March Madness-style tournament of worst Republicans, Abbott would be a one seed for sure.
  8. Don't Be A Dickhead - the most important commandment, that so many Christians seem unable to follow.
  9. Musk is too busy going full anti-vax with the dumbass duo of Joe Rogan and RFK Jr.
  10. If I were pretending to be American, I’d remember that neighbor doesn’t have a “u.”
  11. Bush was awful, no doubt that. But Trump openly courting white supremacist and militia groups, and fomenting an insurrection are just a few of the things that makes him so uniquely terrible.
  12. “Free speech” to a Republican just means they want to say the n-word without repercussions.
  13. No Country for Old Men. Blood Meridian is the best but not the most accessible. No Country is both incredible and a pretty fast quick read.
  14. Ugh. Don't tell me that, I just started a 1000 page book. And I want to reread some Cormac McCarthy.
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