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Everything posted by thewhyteboar

  1. 9/11 turned every country singer into a fascist boot-licker and their fans into suckers who just gleefully eat up slop.
  2. Never saw a single Pee Wee Herman anything. When I was young my parents had weird hang ups about some things and that was something We Were Not Allowed to watch.
  3. Oh yeah. I saw the real good version. It's fantastic, but still, Once Upon a Time in the West is like a top 3 movie for me.
  4. The Morricone score is one of his best. Not as good as Once Upon A Time in the West though.
  5. Saw this for the first time a few months ago. And as time goes by I think it will become my favorite of his.
  6. It's not a coincidence, it's intentional. No one says 88 days, the normal thing would be to round it to about 3 months. He's a scumbag Republican ratfucker.
  7. "This is the most goatee-and-sunburn intensive fanbase in the sport. It averages 2.3 divorces per every season ticket holder. If you’re wondering how the Cardinals can exist for this long and suck the entire time, you only need to look at the Bidwill family, and then back at these fans, and then out at the desiccated wasteland surrounding them. Nothing fucking grows here. Everything for miles is just sand and dead animals. The temperature will never fall below 115 again. That’s why these fans are both stupid and easily ignored. It’s why guns are used as currency here. It’s why the only people who retire to Arizona are people too poor to retire to Florida. " This had me cackling.
  8. Every time I see the new logo I'm just struck by how ugly it is, and how it appeals to a 12 year old's aesthetic of cool and edgy; the Zach Snyder of logos.
  9. I forgot to update but I finished The Bad Lands a few days ago. Unforgettable characters and another story of how poisonous vigilante justice can be. I’d love to read more by the author, but I think only the two are available on Kindle. I started The Conformist, by Alberto Moravia.
  10. Glad you enjoyed your time in Seattle! Gorgeous in summer, can be miserable the rest of the year haha.
  11. Funny how UFO sightings have gone way down ever since everyone starting carrying a camera in their pockets. Huh.
  12. Eberflus won’t be a good coach cause his name is too weird. It’s got all the wrong vibes; it sounds like a prescription medication for congestion.
  13. I’ve not seen much about this, but it has a good cast: Kiefer Sutherland as Queeq, Jason Clarke as the lawyer, and the late Lance Reddick.
  14. Anyone dumb enough to link their bank to Xitter deserves to be scammed out of their life savings.
  15. Just go ahead and make these throwbacks permanent.
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