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Everything posted by thewhyteboar

  1. This is why I feel Trump is screwed--none of these "true believers" are going to stay loyal when they face huge legal fees or a lengthy prison sentence. That's the advantage of RICO charges; impetus for all the others to flip. Trump is going to turn on you, it's what he does, at what point do you flip first?
  2. QAnon has led to a lot of broken families--when you fall deep down into a poisonous conspiracy like that, you're gonna lose people--so it's no surprise that they trust their cult leader more than their own kin.
  3. @sblfilms thought you’d enjoy this.
  4. This is the logical endpoint of Republican rhetoric. Matt Walsh and his ilk are disgusting human beings.
  5. A room temperature beer, a slab of beef charred until it no longer resembles anything organic, and a 5 hour loop of the Soviet national anthem. That’s a good Saturday night!
  6. I think the only thing I learned about Japanese internment in grade school was when we read an illustrated children’s book that was like “this little boy and his family had to live in a camp. That’s sad! But he loves baseball. That’s fun! Sometimes he played baseball with a white boy. They became friends. Sometimes, things aren’t so bad. The end.”
  7. Caballero is annoying as shit and his specialty is enraging other players…which is why I love him. Still, drilling a dude right after a home run should merit an instant ejection.
  8. He was pissy all game, gave up a home run to Dylan Moore and the very next pitch nailed Caballero.
  9. Julio is on some kind of tear right now.
  10. You into hiking? There are a ton of mountains with good hiking routes, both in Seoul and around the country.
  11. These were very good, I read 5 or 6 or so. I’m not someone who can just mainline short stories though. I’ll come back to it. The Killing Hills, Chris Offutt
  12. Looking forward to the Steinbrenner fail-son selling the team to the Saudis.
  13. So why Michael Lewis conned, or was he deliberately writing lies to support his childhood friend, Sean Tuohy?
  14. Accidentally "dropped" his credit card into the slot.
  15. All this fascist and monstrous shit just to come 3rd in Iowa. What a spineless little toad.
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