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Posts posted by thewhyteboar

  1. "You know, it's interesting," Manfred said. "We actually hired an investment banker, a really good one, actually, to look at that very issue. If you look at the purchase price of franchises, the cash that is put in during the period of ownership, and then what they've sold for, historically, the return on those investments is below what you'd get in the stock market. Or what you'd expect to get in the stock market - with a lot more risk."


    Rob Manfred and the owners think you are stupid.


  2. 2 hours ago, stepee said:


    lol o I thought they moved on from thinking that and at least had like some other theory by now

    Covid isn't real, the vaccines are the real disease that's killing people. However, covid is also real but hospitals refuse to give the real treatment (horse paste, colloidal silver, holy water, avocado ice cream, and Vitamin B12 enema) because they earn money when real patriots die gasping for air. Also, covid is real but man-made by the Chinese as a bioweapon so that Bill Gates can inject us with microchips, thus marking them with the beast and preparing their souls for sacrifice to Satan the Great Deceiver. Meanwhile Democrats are the crazy ones for suggesting that masks are effective. 

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