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Everything posted by thedarkstark

  1. 2020 is undefeated. The target.com email also says "on or shortly after release date" and the estimated delivery date is 11/13-11/19
  2. PS5 success story: thanks to tip from maddux4163 here I was able to snag a ps5 from target.com, however if it's any consolation to those feeling unlucky: I waited in line at micro center nearly 8 hours for the RTX 3080 only to be told I was literally the first in line who would not be getting one. Retail Jesus giveth and he taketh away I suppose. If I manage to snag a 3080 I'll give my ps5 away to somebody here for retail.
  3. I'll trade somebody a ps5 + cash for a 3080. If I don't snag one by the time the 3070 is out I may just go and camp out for one, I won't make the mistake of assuming 3:30am is early enough next time.
  4. Sounds like my experience with Razer customer service. NEVER BUY A RAZER LAPTOP EVER. In fact don't buy any Razer products, by far the worst customer service I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with.
  5. The entirety of walmart.com won't load for me lol. I grabbed one earlier from target thanks again @maddux4163 but I was just curious to see how long they stayed in stock to try and gauge stock numbers.
  6. I play it with some friends, very fun if you have 8 or more people. Would be down for a game if somebody wants to organize one. Also omg I miss tf2sdays so much! If anyone remembers me my handle used to be Abtstract_Snipes way back before everyone migrated from IGN.
  7. 3 whole minutes. Great system with some amazing games, could've been much better without the gimmick though.
  8. Got it, thanks for the heads up. Waiting in line for 7 hours for the 3080 and not getting one stings slightly less now.
  9. I got in line at Micro Center at 3am, I was 33rd in line. When the store opened at 10am I was informed that they only had 32 cards..... RIP me.
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