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Everything posted by thedarkstark

  1. You do realize you can over-level and make these games relatively trivial right? Like you can literally kill a lot of bosses in 2-3 hits. It still wont be a complete cakewalk but I feel like most people give up on these games too early. Having said that I have a lot of anxiety and I definitely need to be in the right mindset to play through game like this so I definitely get where people are coming from. @stepee I get your point and to some extent I do agree, I love roguelike games but sometimes they overstay their welcome. If I'm 50+ hours in and still havent completed a full run I'm pretty cooked and will usually abandon it.
  2. This isn't entirely true. Everything makes a difference even things as simple as how you cook your food. A raw sweet potato has a low glycemic load (how quickly it's bio-available and enters the blood stream spiking insulin) a cooked sweet potato has a far higher glycemic load and baking it increases that even further than boiling or microwaving it. Part of the reason fiber is important in our diet isn't just to keep bowel movements regular, it also helps slow the breakdown of food and thus lowering glycemic load. Like most things, how much this stuff actually matters can vary greatly from person to person
  3. uhhh I've been having anywhere between 3-10 stevia packets nearly every day for 10+ years I put 2-3 packs in every cup of coffee or tea, and I drink a lot of both.
  4. It's mind boggling to me that people defend the practice. Most people have been to conditioned to see prison only as a means of punishment and not a means rehabilitation. Guess what? 90% of prisoners will be released at some point, what kind of person do you want to release back into the world? An eye for eye leaves the whole world blind.
  5. Cheesecake is GOAT status for sure but I'd argue that despite it's name it's definitely not a cake, it's a tart or pie.
  6. Uhhh what? Red Velvet is fucking delicious, it's my favorite cake. Obviously if you buy a super cheap pre-made one from the grocery store it's not going to be great but the same can be said for nearly all of their pastries.
  7. I'm not reading all that but the first 2 paragraphs sum up my thoughts on the first octopath. I also agree the bravely default series is in an entirely different league despite its many shortcomings. All the Bravely games are games I'll play though again at some point, I have zero interest in ever touching Octopath again. I'll be interested in hearing your thoughts on Ocopath 2 once you've gotten a bit further, since it seems like you and I are very often on the same page with our opinion on games.
  8. On a semi related note if anyone is really enjoying this game I highly reccomend checking out remnant: from the ashes incredibly underrated game and they just recently announced a sequel.
  9. I'm just imagining him standing in one spot getting hit by every projectile while infinite firing. 😂🤣
  10. Did you beat them on the first try? Most of us take multiple attempts. The 1st boss is super easy though, didn't even get hit on my 2nd try. The 2nd boss is a lot tougher
  11. Same which is why I disagreed with all the reviewers saying it was a step back from 3 houses, the monestary was such a chore. I couldn't care less for all the expository dialogue between characters most of whom I had zero interest in. The story in that game was much better though I will at least give it that. I'm on the final 2 chapters it's been fun, hoping the post-game dlc content is good and provides a nice challenge
  12. This guy was the GOAT! Nowadays you have people like Andrew Tate doing his schtick unironically and without a shred of cognizance. Edit: holy shit he's still making vids and they're still 🔥
  13. 🤣 I'd have no issue with that if it didnt take such a long time, or I at least wish the reconstructor was cheaper.
  14. My one gripe with this game is that not enough things carry over for how long the runs can last. It takes like 45 minutes to get to the 2nd boss, and if you die along the way you bring essentially nothing with you to the next run.
  15. The first game was incredibly mid. Fantastic battle system, terrible everything else. From my time with the demo the 2nd is just more of the same. I'll pick it up when it's $20 will have fun with it and then immediately forget it ever existed.
  16. It's kind of ridiculous to claim a game like this is "easy" on PC when you've already beaten it on ps5, most of the difficulty is learning enemy patterns and knowing which combos of weapons and upgradess synergize well together. Obviously mouse offers far more precise aim but honestly this game doesn't exactly require pinpoint precision.
  17. The game looks and runs phenomenally getting around 90-100fps with everything maxed except ray traced shadows turned off. I'm using a mid-high intel core I7 processor, an rtx 3080, and 16gb ram and according to the benchmark it seems like it's only using about 6gb ram. There are definitely some micro-stutters that can be a bit jarring but don't really effect gameplay, hoping those can get ironed out and the game will be perfect.
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