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Everything posted by BloodyHell

  1. Nobody is saying the game can’t get bad reviews, but thousands of zeros are an obvious hatE campaign. Im perfectly fine with anyone not liking it.
  2. Sakurai just announced Min Min. Ill add the video when I find it. she looks like she will be incredible for 4 and 8 player smash. Not so much for one on one. She moves pretty slow, but is on the extreme end of medium range fighters.
  3. I completely disagree. I loved every second of it. Midgar has always been linear, the gsme never opened up until after you get out of it. im almost at the end of the game. My wife wwtched me play for a couple of hours last night. About two hours in, she went to bed because she was disturbed by all the violence. About 30 minutes later she was up because she couldn’t sleep 😂 she doesn’t do well with this. Bloodborne scares her too.
  4. This game is so good. I made an account here just because I wanted some place to talk about it. I honestly didn’t think I would play a more polished game than FF7R this year, but twelve hours in and im having an incredible time with it. Its hard to say its a good time, because the game is so heavy, and the themes of revenge are so incredible. how do we make those spoiler tags that I see in this thread? I don’t want to ruin anyone’s experience on my first day here.
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