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Everything posted by BloodyHell

  1. Who cares? This isn’t star wars, its about gameplay and challenge, not the story. Take Bloodborne for example, my favourite game of this generation. I doubt 90% who played it know or care about the story or whats going on around them (and bloodborne has an incredible story).
  2. I often wonder at the thought process of his supporters. I mean, he’s clearly lying to them constantly, and they all know it, but they will now pretend it doesn’t exist and praise their dear leader.
  3. Yup, female leads and prominent gay characters will 100% cause your game to be review bombed. even FF7R, which was not review bombed, but had many user reviews criticize the game for treating the Honey Bee Inn scene as though transgenderism is not a mental disorder that should require a person to be shunned. People literally mad that thry treated a vulnerable community with respect. A large majority of people are terrible, thats all there is to it. And their anger pervades every facet of their life. They are so miserable they want to ensure that certain groups will always be lesser, so as to believe they are superior to someone.
  4. Same people, but yhem leaving I don’t think had much to do with this. That was more them realizing they were popular enough to move out on their own while doing the exact same thing, with industry relationships in place, while being able to call their own shots.
  5. When people are afraid for their livelihood, they will put up with incredible amounts of stress, abuse, and disrespect. Its the major problem with our workforce, almost worldwide. Workers live in fear of losing low paying jobs because a couple of months without any pay is disastrous. The American Dream is dead, there are the rich and powerful, and the poor serfs. Its only the last two years that people have truly begsn to speak out, and its too late because everything is crumbling around us. Its not just the republic that is finished, the whole of civilization is built on so many false foundations that people believe can’t fail, and for years stood around the ramparts with swords and shields, thinking they were protecting polite society while the foundations crumbled underneath us. Ill end my rant there, because im way off the topic of bad bosses.
  6. Valid point, but you’re still ignoring the part about people attacking it for having lesbian characters. And its not a small number doing it.
  7. I agree. This is the next game I’m really hyped for. I think it looks fantastic. Definitely looking forward to trying both playstyles too.
  8. Yes, but its been targeted for some games and movies. There were thousands of zeros Friday morning. Thats not giving it a lower score than it should. Its targeted. And 6/10 mention “lgtb bullshit” or “sjw narrative”. Its clear they never played the game, because the game is not focused on her being gay at all, its just who she is. No part of the driving force of this game has to do with her sexuality. So yes, a very large percentage are open bigots, and many others hide behind pc terms to pretend they aren’t bigots. No zero review is a well thought out review worth reading, at all, or worth keeping on your aggregate site.
  9. I beat this last night. I planned on jumping in to a bloodborne replay, but I think im going to buy Desperado 3 for something more lighthearted. The game was incredible, definitely in my top 5 experiences this gen. The only games i liked more were bloodborne (this is by far my game of the generation), Spider-Man (I can’t think of a more “pure fun” gaming experience), BotW, and Sekiro. I won’t get into my overall thoughts just yet, I definitely need time to process everything, and I want to wait until more have beaten it as well.
  10. Nobody is saying the game can’t get bad reviews, but thousands of zeros are an obvious hatE campaign. Im perfectly fine with anyone not liking it.
  11. Sakurai just announced Min Min. Ill add the video when I find it. she looks like she will be incredible for 4 and 8 player smash. Not so much for one on one. She moves pretty slow, but is on the extreme end of medium range fighters.
  12. I completely disagree. I loved every second of it. Midgar has always been linear, the gsme never opened up until after you get out of it. im almost at the end of the game. My wife wwtched me play for a couple of hours last night. About two hours in, she went to bed because she was disturbed by all the violence. About 30 minutes later she was up because she couldn’t sleep 😂 she doesn’t do well with this. Bloodborne scares her too.
  13. This game is so good. I made an account here just because I wanted some place to talk about it. I honestly didn’t think I would play a more polished game than FF7R this year, but twelve hours in and im having an incredible time with it. Its hard to say its a good time, because the game is so heavy, and the themes of revenge are so incredible. how do we make those spoiler tags that I see in this thread? I don’t want to ruin anyone’s experience on my first day here.
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