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Everything posted by BloodyHell

  1. If it was a raid, it wouldn’t be secret. It would have been reported on immediately.
  2. Usually its a price so low i can’t resist buying a game ill never play 🤦‍♂️
  3. Look, I believe the protesters spread it too. But the fact is one of these things had to happen. The protests. The rest are just scum.
  4. But their side won’t ignore it, and they’ll come out in force against a non-existent threat. These are crazy people. Humanity has left them.
  5. Nope. I stay away from that filth. Thankfully my parents never gave it to us as kids, so i never had taste for it. my guilty pleasure sugar drink is like a Sunny Delight. Something tangy and juicy. Or just a good beer.
  6. So many of these streamers always seemed so slimy, and now the evidence is coming out. The only ones i really like are Maximillian and some of Kinda Funny’s stuff. The less Tim the better, but i really like the newest guy, Blessing.
  7. Likwly an xbox fanboy forum. Those places are crazy. They have pretty much decided xbx will cure cancer AND covid.
  8. There is zero evidence of that, and even Aniston has ssid she didn’t think he cheated on her. Pitt drnied it as well. It looks like Instead of cheating, he did the right thing and left her. either way, the personal lives of other people are not my business. Rape, harassment, that’s different. But im not going to hate someone or stop consuming their content because they cheated.
  9. In most series, i agree. But not in souls type games. For me its all about the combat, the puzzle pieces you have to learn to beat enemies and bosses. I love a good story, but there could have been zero story in Demon Souls/bloodborne/sekiro, and I wouldn’t have liked them any less. im still working on beating Sekiro.
  10. I don’t get involved in much political debate, because I hold views from both sides of the aisle, but isn’t it obvious that this administration is just filled with bad people.
  11. I just cant see the reason to own one if everything is gonna be on PC, other than cost if you don’t have a PC. on the other side, I know I want a PS5 because I know I love their first party games. Spider-Man alone justifies it for me.
  12. Sales does not equal profitability. i just realized how old these posts are. I can’t wait for this.
  13. Comparing starcraft to Diablo is a bit ridiculous. You aren’t controlling hundreds of ynits in diablo. They aren’t even close to the same typeof games.
  14. Thats fine, but he is arguing that this isn’t a targeted hate campaign by users, because some legitimate reviewers didn’t like it, and it is completely disingenuous. Its been said a hundred times, this is not about valid criticism. He keeps ignoring it and is basically saying that that hate towards a vulnerable group is justified because polygon and forbes don’t like it. also, ive never been to reset era, so I have no idea what you are talking about.
  15. You are literally spewing bullshit that has nothing to do with what we are talking about. This is not about professional reviewers having problems wiyh the game, nobody said that being critical about it makes you racist or sexist. Seriously, what is your problem? this is about thousands of user scores who literally attacked the game for having lgbt characters. Its absurd you keep coming back with “but kotaku! But Forbes”. This is not about valid criticism. Frankly, your denial, and refusal to debate the actual points we are making is a bit disgusting. All of your arguments have been in bad faith, because none of us have attacked those outlets for having valid criticism.
  16. Some nice pickups there! Is discworld any good? Im a big fan of the books, and never knew there was a game.
  17. Its going to be more than a 20$ price difference. I think 50-70. Theres more money in digital gaming. Ive been fed up with physical editions forever, though I did buy the first class edition for ff7r this year, but thats because I like FF7 memorabilia, not because I wanted the disc. Otherwise, I haven’t bought a physical disk that wasnt part of a collectors edition in 5-6 years, and much longer on pc. Leaving out retro gaming, because retro is absolutely a different, better experience on original hardware in a great many cases.
  18. The only next gen game that MIGHT take some time from Cyberpunk for me is Miles Morales Spider-Man. It totally depends if they are out at the same time. im definitely interested in other launch games, but Cyberpunk is by dar the game ive been looking forward to most for a couple of years (and an unannounced Bloodborne 2, if they are making it.
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