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Everything posted by BloodyHell

  1. I don’t even think Cali has any bear left. I know there’s no Grizzly. As a Native -of America, not California- , that upsets me. So much loss of biodiversity is one of America’s greatest sin, right after slavery and genocide. Greed was always a powerful force, but when technology caught up with it, we were all screwed. ok, this topic is too serious to let veer off course. We should probably work at getting it back on track.
  2. As a gun owner, these people disgust me, and pointing your gun at anyone, loaded or not, except in defence of life and limb, should lose you your second amendment right for life. Hell, its been 15 years since I took my CC course, but I know its an actual crime to point your weapon at someone unprovoked.
  3. Man,I need to pick up a copy of Dirge of Cerberus! i know its a convoluted mess, but I love the ff7 world
  4. Smart of them to wait days to say they weren’t associated though! Got them a ton of gaming publicity
  5. Im fine with that. I would never have bought an NBA game, but ill try it out if its free. I was looking at buying RoTR recently, so im happy that’s free. I don’t know anything about Erica, but ill check it out.
  6. Oh, the rage over in breitbarts comments must be heating up. I like to go troll them to reaffirm what horrible people they are now and then, when there are hot button topics. this morning it was ok to promote whit power because black people are promoting black power. Unironically pretending it was the same.
  7. Im actually cooking some right now, thank you very much! It smells delicious, and would absolutely play this game if we hadn’t turned him into table fare!
  8. Same thing happened to my grandfather after a knee replacement. He was also on oxy. My uncle and I gad to take turns sitting with him for a couple of nights because whatever world he was in was far more interesting than ours.
  9. Because everyone else knew it was inevitable when disney bought it, and if LMM is ok with it, I will be too. When a company buys something, they buy the right to use it as they wish (or as contracted). 🤷‍♂️
  10. I wad more skeptical than anyone when they said they weren’t doing s dlightly expanded 1:1 remake. But im so glad I played this game.
  11. Op, im obviously not telling you what to do, but if you loved ff7, you should play this game. Yes it’s different, but its also very familiar. It made me feel the same things the original did so long ago. Its just fun, they nailed the characters.
  12. Im considering upgrading to a 3080ti, but id literally be doing it for this game. I can afford it if I start putting away a bit of cash every pay right now. But its a lot of money to make this game look better. I can offset the cost by selling my 2080ti to a friend of mine who wants it. I know im playing this game on pc.
  13. All of this assumes we want our games to be realistic? Thats the last thing I want. I play games when I have free time because its an escape from reality where I can play through great stories and gameplay. Experiences without killing are excellent too, but sometimes I just want to shred through hordes of demons, or rage through the post-apocalyptic wasteland and live out the grudges of imaginary characters. Mario, Zelda, Souls, those games are legendary for their mechanics. tLoU is legendary for being an interactive cinematic experience. Games do different things. Sometimes simultaneously.
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