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Everything posted by BloodyHell

  1. My favourite is “i had nothing to do with the genocide of your people -and destruction of our culture- maybe you should get over it” or “I had nothing to do with slavery”. ffs, nevermind. You will never understand.
  2. I want them to give me a new experience. I want XSX VR, AR, i want experiences that I can’t get anywhere else. All im seeing are games I can play on PC, and very few interest me. My question from the start is WHY SHOULD I BUY AN XBOX? and don’t tell me MS doesn’t care, its just not true. I keep getting hostile “because they are creating the future” responses. But they aren’t, PC is.
  3. My point was all of this is done better by PC, I wasn’t comparing Sony and MS, i said claiming ms is the future when pc is so far beyond them is ridiculous. Sony gives me unique faming experiences though, xbox hasn’t for quite a while. I game for the games
  4. I think a full throated defence of MS (or any console maker) does sound fanboyish. Claiming they are setting up the future is a bit unreal, especially when they have done nothing but play catch up.
  5. The fact that its ok shows that at least half of America is ok with openly insulting my people. But that doesn’t surprise me even slightly.
  6. Sounds like you’re a bit too on the fanboy train. MS hasn’t wowed anyone in a long time, and I have no reason to believe they will. And they wouldn’t fight to make the most powerful box if they didn’t care who bought it. Again, I hope they wow me, but nothing they have done suggests they can.
  7. Its not sexual assault. There would be claims out there, and if he was charged it would be public. I’m inclined to agree that it is probably financial in nature. There’s speculation that while he didn’t keep the money, he may have raised money for charity without the proper setup (I know nothing), having it basically becoming income, but not paying tax on it (where if it was done correctly it would be tax free, and never considered income). again, thats pure reddit speculation.
  8. I mean, I do get what he’s saying. It seems they are making themselves redundant to a large portion of the audience. And its not like they killed it this Gen, and we all have huge reason to be optimistic. I didn’t even upgrade my One because MS gave me nothing I wanted that wasn’t available elsewhere. It hasn’t been used for a game in a very long time. My PS4 Pro and PC both see regular use because of the variety of both. its fine for MS to think of the future, but they really need to do something with the present too. And great hardware alone isn’t enough for me when I already have a box that gives me the exact same experience. Show me something I can’t get on PC. Or at least dedicated VR!
  9. That’s incredibly sad. Such an amazing and intelligent animal. But its hard to protect them when we can’t even protect vulnerable humans.
  10. I mean, I don’t think its wrong to say PC is thd best platform there is. I have rarely had issues playing games in the last decade, it is generally easy to get the right settings. I also get that some games people just like to buy for console. Though for me, those are mostly just lengthy RPG’s. But in general, as long as I have both, I’ll continue to play exclusives on console, and the rest on PC. That said, I can’t imagine having a high end PC and wanting to play a game like Witcher 3 or Cyberpunk on console.
  11. If biden wins, before Trump leaves his inauguration, he should lean over and whisper, “Remember when Obama got a second term?”
  12. Valid point. And I was in no way blaming Obama. Nobody could have foreseen 2016’s election. I just always saw that as a black man who was clearly better than him making fun of him., and that being a flashpoint.
  13. Time to destroy pharmaceutical copyright during the pandemic and get generic made. Because fuck them all.
  14. Imagine if the government took a bit of the defence budget and put it toward building more housing for the poor! but that would be socialist, and we wouldn’t be able to continue our stockpiling of bombs to kill poors from other countries!
  15. The only thing that caused a Trump presidency (aside from idiots voting for him), was Obama making fun of him at the corespondents dinner. If that never happened, we have no Trump presidency, imo. the division between parties was coming no matter what. This is the last gasps of the boomers, just like the 60’s/70’s were the last gasps of McCarthyism. They are fighting a losing battle to try to stop America from changing.
  16. The black bear may as well be the white man of bears. Even over the actually white polar bear. People just leave them alone.
  17. Well, that and a thousand pounds on the high end (adults run from 5-600 for females to 1400+ for large males).
  18. You likely would not get within 200 yards if you saw one up close. They are the only truly terrifying land mammal in America. Even a big mountain lion doesn’t elicit the kind of fear and respect brown bear do.
  19. I said there was no grizzly, and asked if there were Black Bear. The bear on the flag is supposed to be a Grizzly.
  20. I think you would have to at least pretend to be to have a chance in kentucky
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