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Everything posted by BloodyHell

  1. Oh, he definitely is. The Firefly production was notorious for it.
  2. He’s done comics and writing. And this. But im pretty sure its just a case of him doing whatever he wants, and not wanting to do movies right now.
  3. Thats fine if you have choice. When I grew up the “theater” was a 32 inch with a dial in a dark room at the band hall. We’d have been fine with a walmart drive-in.
  4. When I jouned this site, I was like, awesome! Games without political debate! 😂 and here I am.
  5. Oh, it was absolutely a joke. That wasn’t serious. But it really seems they want to make everything unfeasable for everyone but them.
  6. No. Whedon has never done a ton of directing, he has always spent just as much time with other artistic endeavours. I think he just likes to do what he wants. He did a lot of comics and other things over the last years. And there’s rumor of him working on something for tv. Even on Buffy and Angel, he didn’t do a ton of directing. I just don’t think its his favourite thing. his Avenger movies made a fortune, he wasn’t hard up for work. I think he’s just so rich he doesn’t care. He’s more interested in his own satisfaction. and in regards ti the op, the Snyder cut might be real, but it won’t be good.
  7. https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/02/business/walmart-drive-in-theaters/index.html 160 drive-ins. We know what happens if this does well. Walmart won’t care about concessions either, because you just bought a bunch of junk food inside the store. Perhaps they’ll fund a pmc next. Or their own police force. Their own seat on the UN Security Council? But, I guess its the American way to not leave anything for anyone else.
  8. Don’t tell me what is and isn’t ok to my people. Especially since you seem to think calling another board member a “cunt” is ok.
  9. I mean, I don’t like it, it’s casual racism, but its not what I would focus on in the grand scheme of things. Im more interested in funding education, clean water, safe housing, and fighting addiction on reserves than I am the name of an nfl team. It should be changed though
  10. Think your dad is hard to shop for? I don’t even know who mine is. Lol
  11. You will find some of us who find Indian offensive, but its very few. I grew up in Alaska, I know plenty of Eskimo, and thats what they are, not one of them would call themselves anything else. (Aside from when speaking their native tongue).
  12. Indian is not an offensive term. It’s perfectly acceptable. This sounds a lot like white people deciding what is offensive. also, Eskimo are not offended by the term Eskimo, or at least the ones I have met weren’t. they definitely don’t call themselves Inuit (maybe in Canada they do, but not nirthern alaska).
  13. Design reasons doesnt mean that the game was running badly. of course it could also be that, but design isn’t performance.
  14. I remember when I built my first real gaming PC, Crysis was pretty much the benchmark for a high end pc, and even they didn’t run it well 😋
  15. Ill take anyone as long as its not Kamala “prison for you and you and you” Harris. She’s like Oprah, but with Prison instead of cars.
  16. Ahhh... when I joined the Marines in 2002 (I didn’t have a lot of other prospects and had a kid on the way) My mom was upset, asked me why I would go fight for the “white man” in another country. I told her that theee were two reasons. I wanted my son to grow up away from the poverty, hopelessness and depression that pervades reservations, and that I was going to war so hopefully he wouldn’t need to. He’s 18 next year, and we’re still fighting. The same goddamn war. And he’s been talking about joining for a while now. 🤦‍♂️
  17. Ive never known any if us to be offended by “Native” or “Native American”, so i guess without the whole convo, its hard to say what she reacted too. but don’t forget, we also have far left members of our community who think everything is racist, and are offended by everything, just like every community. We also have far right band members. We’re as diverse as any race. Some are easily offended, others are just offensive.
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