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Everything posted by BloodyHell

  1. This is fucking wild. Its mostly gibberish and half baked plans, which sure showed through on J6. At least she knows she stinks, I guess.
  2. Jesus christ, what a frightening and terrible fucking law. Three strikes, I mean. Like seriously, how fucking absurd do you need to be to ever think prison should adopt fucking baseball as its format. Except that every 3rd time you don't hit a home run, you go to prison for life. There is most certainly plenty I will never agree with the left on, but the GOP is just so terrible that there is no viable alternative. I can't imagine how anyone could currently say they love America and vote Republican. Its been far too long since an American political party has folded, now would be a good time. The GOP needs to die. Two party systems are terrible.
  3. Edibles, a jrpg, and a few bowls as a kicker is my preferred way to play turn based RPG's like persona.
  4. More Shredders Revenge for sure. Some Y's 8, and the Metal Hellsinger demo. Might replay Streets of Rage. And maybe some hotwheels unleashed. Im considering buying it because the demo was incredibly fun.
  5. I haven't had problems with him. Chromedome is the hardest fight in the game for me. April is a lot of fun. She's mobile and fast. I love Donnies range. I like Leo too. Mikey is my least favorite so far. Today im trying Casey and Raph. My son and nephew beat it with me on story mode, then my son and two of his friends joined me for arcade mode Gnarly difficulty. We made it to Chrome Dome before we got killed off. I think this is even better than Streets of Rage, and I absolutely love that game. Mr X's nightmare was incredible DLC. I hope we get DLC for this game.
  6. My problem with Discovery right now is character development. We're going into s5, and I know more about the SNW bridge crew than I do about Discovery, but they flesh out the story of every peripheral character out there. I know almost nothing about the black girl on the bridge, I can't even remember her name, she's just attractive set dressing. Same with Detmer. And the one really developed bridge character? Bye! We don't need you anymore, Tilly, lets have you leave the ship. And then to take Saru out of the captains seat didn't sit well with me. The end of S4 was good, but star trek is better in itself original episodic format, imo.
  7. I still don't think TNG is the best trek. It has a few of the best episodes of trek, but DS9 is a better show. This show is incredible. Finally new trek I can get behind.
  8. The cartoons and comics from the 80's were way better. Awesome toy line too. I find the movies a bit overrated. The arcade game was amazing though.
  9. I mean, time wise, its a very small part of the original, but narratively its probably the the most packed part of the game. Its where you meat almost every important character in the game. The og can be beaten in 35-40 hours, and its definitely obvious they are changing the story though. That was obvious when Tifa was questioning Cloud about her death, which is exactly the opposite of the original.
  10. The last boss has a no hit challenge. I like the hoverboard levels, but the boss in that third level is the worst boss in the game. So far I beat the game with Leo, and im working on Splinter and Casey, but I love Donatello. He's my second favorite Turtle.
  11. https://www.thedailybeast.com/12-year-old-granted-order-of-protection-against-ezra-miller
  12. It just flows so well, and is so fun. Im playing on normal, just got to episode 12.
  13. Killing the foot clan and taking the war to shredder.
  14. Thats a bit different. I didn't know it wasn't private anymore. And as I said, if she has a problem, that is different, but it doesn't seem to be the case. She doesn't seem to be involved in any of this.
  15. Let's go Leo! Edit: just beat the first boss, and Wow, this game conteols so well. I love Streets of Rage, but this is just so much smoother. Combos are simple, difficulty is interesting. It just plays really, really well.
  16. I mean, they can do as they please. I don't watch WWE or care about Vince McMahon, but unless there is a sex crime in there, whats the problem? She accepted the money (and apparently isn't the one bringing this up), and wasn't it his money? He's the owner of the company, right? Unless the woman has a problem with him and comes forward with claims of abuse or manipulation, then thats something for him and his wife.
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