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Everything posted by Spork3245

  1. @SFLUFAN I completely understand doing “less is more” and completely agree. Doing board upon board splits the discussion too much and makes the boards appear slower (and bloated). That being said, under “entertainment”, while slow, can we please have a wrestling board and an anime board again? Hear me out: discussion of these two subjects on the entertainment board attracted trolls, adding the sub-forums eliminated them (IIRC). Up to you, though (obviously).
  2. It came with a month of Game Pass. I have a Panny Plasma, VT50 65”. No HDR I’ve been holding out for VRR before going 4k. Since Samsung added VRR via Freesync on a firmware update, I was just going to go ahead and get a 65” QLED Q9F (2018). But, the lack of Dolby Vision has me
  3. Figured it out, had to go into network settings on both consoles and enable “network transfer”. Just needed to copy all my apps over, all of my games are on an external anyway. All finished setting up, and the knock-off Kinect Adapter I bought several months back seems to work perfectly.
  4. Hmmm... can I do a transfer of all my apps/settings via a lan cable like when I went from PS4 launch to PS4 Pro?
  5. Not going QLED because of the lack of Dolby Vision I just don’t want DV to win and HDR to go bye bye (like HD DVD vs BD)
  6. Yes, I was going to go with the newest model, however, since there is no Dolby Vision on it I’ll likely have to wait for LG OLEDs with Freesync/VFR instead.
  7. Doesn’t even make sense to at this point: new hardware is projected to release in like 2 years, isn’t it?
  8. Hmmm I was considering getting a QLED since they added freesync support but now I’m not sure: I wasn’t aware that it only supported HDR and not both HDR and Dolby Vision.
  9. So, basically, most people probably won’t even notice?
  10. You were hypnotized by Phil Spencer’s puckery smile?
  11. Is there a noticeable difference between HDR and DV’s HDR?
  12. Will do! My fiancé’s nephew will have first dibs but he just got a ps4 so I don’t think he’ll want it. I’ll let you know before the weekend is over.
  13. No point in searching “other sellers” on Amazon now. If I buy from Amazon directly I have to pay NJ sales tax, if I find another seller located elsewhere I get the item (often still with prime shipping) without sales tax - this was a huge help when my AV receiver died a few weeks back as it was a $600 item.
  14. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F292610251654 $190 from newegg with two games (retail, not digital). Sell the games for a total of $20-ish for both, now it’s just $40 more for the Xbone.
  15. The cheapest UHD players will run you about $120, for the extra $80 (or much less if you check ebay for a certified refurb from MS), you’re better off getting the S, IMO.
  16. I do not want an S. I have a launch unit already. My fiancé wants to get it for me today, I guess I was mostly wondering if there were any bundled with games or game pass or something.
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