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Everything posted by Spork3245

  1. Clearly, they should have called around and priced shopped in the midst of the emergency.
  2. Xbox One: Assault Android Cactus Death Squared Xbox 360: Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Conviction
  3. It was killed by Sugar Knight in regards to a rap dispute with Tupac.
  4. The new Mustang GT runs a 3.9 0-60 and an 11.8 1/4 stock. I forget what the newest non-ZL1 V8 Camaro does but the the Stinger GT runs a 4.4 (.3 better than Kia’s estimates) 0-60 and a 12.5 1/4. If you’re running against the Stinger GT2 with a 2015-2017 or earlier Mustang GT or a pre-2016 Camaro, you’re def gonna lose though
  5. Changing the subject slightly - what’s the best sub-$500 TV for that aforementioned secondary set? Thinking TCL or the new Toshiba FireTV - the set isn’t going to be used much, TV speakers will likely be used for a good while until I replace my current AV Receiver with an HDMI 2.1 unit
  6. YEP!!!! People argue that you “shouldn’t chase technology”, I agree, you need to chase the “new standards” or “leaps”. Waiting a few months for something like VRR will likely allow you to hold on to your TV without feeling the “upgrade itch” for much longer than buying a current 2018 TV.
  7. The next HDMI standard is 2.1, not 3.0. 2019 flagship sets will most likely be HDMI 2.1, I’m almost definitely waiting at this point as we’re talking just 8-9 months.
  8. Upvoting not because I'm glad you're depressed, but because I can relate and it's the small things that glimmer and get you through.
  9. Honestly, I just wanted the chance to call him "Milo Dannonyogurtcup". I need that small bit of joy with this news.
  10. I feel like he'll pick someone more like Judge Jeanine over a Milo Danonyogurtcup
  11. Meh. In Genesis, the pack would chase after a goat/cow/whatever while one or two would break off and circle around to cut off the "food", leaping on it to take it down from the side.
  12. Yes, VRR truly seems to shine in situations of inconsistent fps or below 60fps, which is why I feel as though it's must-have.
  13. Doesn’t the QLED now allow HDR Freesync through HDMI 2.0 via it’s latest firmware update? XboneX is also now Freesync HDR compatible via an update (with HDMI 2.0).
  14. Actual HDMI 2.1-standard VRR will not be able to be patched in. Freesync will. The question does become “will things that use HDMI 2.1 VRR also use non-HDMI 2.1 freesync” though. So, there is a potential “why even bother” aspect that may occur.
  15. The second TV is some sub-$400 one for when I have company over that will be used once per month at most and will never be replaced unless it literally stops working. The main set is a $2-3k purchase that won’t be replaced for 7-8 years. Why in the world would I buy a set that’s literally going to be outdated via HDMI 2.1 and, most notably, VRR, in just 8-9 months? Furthermore, I am trying to make sure my money is going to the correct set for the money. If you like to piss away thousands every few months on new TVs, good for you. Here’s a tip, if a discussion is going on that you dislike and wish to add nothing to, click on a different thread. Good luck in your future trolling.
  16. Do the raptors have AI where they actually “hunt” and use flanking/pincer tactics to take down fleeing prey? In Genesis, that was one of my favorite things: watching the raptors use actual tactics when chasing things down.
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