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Everything posted by Spork3245

  1. Since nVidia kinda has no real competition with the Ti, I actually expect the 1170 to basically be an updated 1080 Ti (more vram, HDMI 2.1, more hardware dx/vulkan features, etc). Just like how the 1070 performed(performs) the same as a 980 Ti outside of VR.
  2. I get the point @atom631 is trying to make, but, like the majority of you, I strongly disagree with it. Free speech has limitations, as it should. Just like you cannot yell “fire!” in a movie theater, places like Infowars sole purpose was/is seemingly to monetize misinformation and distrust - yes, at a base level that’s a far cry from the comparison of shouting “fire!” in a crowded area, however, that misinformation and distrust perpetuated by places like Infowars eventually leads to (and has lead to) the creation of a level of disorder and potentially violence (death threats to Sandyhook parents, the pizza-gate guy, etc) that arguably becomes comparable to yelling “fire!”... IMO, at least.
  3. Just finished it, a good 3+ hours, though the length has a lot to do with the damage sponge bosses. It’s pretty god damned funny, and the new hero class is pretty great. The new ally is a little weak imo. Definitely a good time, though!
  4. The Dolby features of STV are so far behind it’s disgusting. No Dolby Vision or Atmos, even with “full uncompressed” audio you still don’t get the surround quality of Atmos. Uncompressed audio means absolutely nothing when the OP is focused on internet streaming and not ripping everything to their PC. ATV can stream MKV files through the VLC app, btw.
  5. He did once save the Loony Toons from being captured by aliens and put on display in an intergalactic zoo. You can find out more in the docudrama “Space Jam”.
  6. The non-Ti 1180 will be faster than the 1080 Ti and likely will cost less... that one is “weeks away”. Why would you get a 1080 Ti when the base 1180 will be better? The 980 was significantly faster than the 780 Ti, the 1080 was significantly faster than the 980 Ti. Until a replacement releases, the 1180 will indeed be the “flagship”, just as the 780 was a flagship, just as the 980 was a flagship. If you’re looking for something to hold you over until an 1180 Ti variant releases (which is an extremely different question) then I’d recommend looking at a second-hand 1070-1080 to hold you over... but the best value proposition is to wait a few weeks and get an 1180 at launch.
  7. I like Jewish pickles from Semites named Jason
  8. If the pieces of cucumber are large and overtake the other ingredients, that’s just bad sushi.
  9. As far as I'm aware, yes, both would co-exist. Both would be on CN, though, as CN owns the rights to the Teen Titans/Go cartoons.
  10. I agree, but that pic made me laugh way harder than it should have, probably because I'm a Monty Python mark
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