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Everything posted by Spork3245

  1. Asking for a friend. @SaysWho? For me, it has to be a really good game without too many parts that drag. I know I've replayed Sacrifice on PC at least a dozen times, I've replayed FF7 (at least up to the third chapter ) a bunch of times, as well as Super Mario RPG. Shorter games like Panzer Dragoon Orta and Starfox 64 I've replayed too many times to count. RPGs with a branching story are another big one, though, again, it cannot drag too often; for instance, I tried replaying Dragon Age a few times but I just could never seem to get that far into it on my replays, however, KOTOR1 on OG XBOX (and later on PC) I played through that at least 4-5 times. I've also replayed Halo 3 numerous times as well as certain missions in CE, Halo 2 and especially Reach. Anyway, what about you guys?
  2. Legit, though, I didn't even get to Super Mario Oddysee yet
  3. Just wait until after the GOP bloodbath in November midterms; he'll be tweeting that it's all be because of Russian interference and how they support the DNC since he's so tough on Russia. He's already been tweeting it in prep, planting seeds. It's mind-blowing.
  4. And they would’ve gotten away with it if it weren’t for those pesky cows!
  5. I should clarify as ultimately I agree: I meant in terms of literal “LOL” jokes/moments. In the terms of actual story and all that, yea, the S2E1 reveals/arc may never be topped. I mean, really, though...
  6. Games that support it use the same effect as their console counterpart, so, no. If you mean by "the number of games that support it", then, yes.
  7. Oh, so don't enable HDR on the desktop prior to starting a game/app that is HDR-enabled?
  8. I find most minimum fps to be misleading as it's often just a short hitch as assets load early in the benchmark. GTAV also 100% defaults AA to a fairly high level on both world and reflections, it also uses one of the more demanding AA types by default instead of FXAA and the-like.
  9. Tried using HDR on my OLED via my PC for the first time over the weekend. I enabled HDR in the display settings, opened chrome and went to YouTube to play an HDR video and the image looked terrible and washed out. GPUs are SLI 980 Tis (they support HDR via HDMI, I checked).
  10. https://www.pcgamer.com/assassins-creed-origins-performance-guide/ 1080ti pulls a 50+ fps average in 4k at the ultra defaults in AC:O, which I think may default to 4x AA ( ), cannot remember off the top of my head. AC:O is more-or-less the most demanding game currently out there.
  11. I said “most”. Are we including AA when we say “highest settings”? Because without intensive AA I’m pretty sure the majority of games can be “maxed” at 60fps on a 1080ti
  12. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F192424999317
  13. Thanks for posting that (seriously) as I was being unintentionally vague. Which is why I stated: I’m fully aware that criminal intent must be proven, I was just giving a potential limitation and probably should have better clarified instead of continuing that myth. I’m also aware that if pizza-gate guy did kill someone at the business, it would’ve indeed been extremely difficult to put blame unto Infowars/Alex Jones from a legal standpoint.
  14. Started last night! Anyone watching? EDIT: Originally an S7 thread, movie thread now
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