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Everything posted by Spork3245

  1. Except you’re incorrect, HIMYM is wonderful show with good writing and memorable characters. I’ll go out on a limb and say you probably never gave the show a chance.
  2. I don’t think it deserves its own thread, but have you guys heard about the “boycott” on the game? Someone made a reply to the CP2077 Twitter account saying “you guys” and the account replied with “did you just assume my gender?!?!?” and now people are flipping out saying that CDPR has destroyed all of their good will and they will never buy another game from them... People are f’n ridiculous.
  3. I’d be interested for them to do a XBL + Game Pass for like $140-150/year (~20% off buying individually). Like $12-12.50/month or something. You know, for those of us who already own the console.
  4. Okay, legit, and I cannot be the only one thinking this; how long before something "happens" to Cohen?
  5. In the initial areas while you're still in a wheelchair my FPS was similar to the 1070 Ti/1080 in maxed settings at 1440p, the massive drops began in later areas. Since the game doesn't have a benchmark tool we have no clue what area/scene they are using. With Watch Dogs 2, I think I may not have played that since swapping to SLI 980 Ti from base 980s in SLI so I may be remembering the 980 performance
  6. Wolfenstein was another one that I had to turn AA down/off and reduce ambient occlusion and something else. The first several levels/areas were fine, it’s once I was outdoors that it started to get iffy. AC:O definitely needed AA off, but I’m going by the benchmark as I haven’t played it yet.
  7. Are you turning settings off/down? Watch Dogs 2, AC:O, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, and several others.
  8. Our “shut up your face!” political movement is incredibly vocal here in NJ, almost as vocal as our “Springsteen or gtfo” movement.
  9. Yea, when people say that the 1070 is a great 1080p card... I don’t think they actually have a 1070/980 Ti
  10. Yes, I do want to max the graphical settings, but cannot while maintaining 60fps. I’m confused by your question.
  11. I truly believe you’ll be left wanting with a 1070. A 1070 has the same performance as a 980 Ti, I have 2x 980 Ti in SLI and find myself unable to max a lot of games in 1080p for a solid 60fps with AA at 2-4x.
  12. @darkness35 https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F113213481158 Try offering $380-390
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