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Everything posted by Spork3245

  1. I was surprised to see boobs on a YouTube vid - isn’t that against their ToS for vids? Anyway, game looks great
  2. I do indeed look down on people simply because they aren’t a Mustang.
  3. What’s wrong with girls who ride horses? What’s the negative connotation here?
  4. To clarify, my post was in regards to the hyperbolic response/overreaction to it by some. I’m not personally offended by it but understand why someone would/could be. The notion of “CDPR destroyed all of the good will they built up” because some random employee who controls their Twitter is an idiot is mind numbing. I’m certainly not attempting to dictate how offended someone is allowed to be, but there definitely needs to be something between 0 and 100.
  5. Ted Cruz is only one being and not several. - Guy Manderson I have seen many people and Ted Cruz is one of them - Firstname Lastname Oh my glorious fuck
  6. It wasn’t really formulaic and advanced the “friends-style” sitcom quite a bit, it did things differently, that’s why it was good and worked. I generally hate sitcoms so it took awhile (I think 4th or 5th season) before I even gave it a chance and started watching it, now it’s probably in my top 10 shows along with Seinfeld.
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