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Everything posted by Spork3245

  1. UUUUUUUGH I found that Rog Swift PG27UQ for $1600 shipped, refurbished by ASUS... should I pull the trigger? Am I crazy to spend that god damn much on a monitor?
  2. I’m glad they put like 22” rims on it to emphasize how awful it is.
  3. Not even a tiny bit. But there’s certainly car people like that.
  4. It's going to be at least 3-4 weeks before upgrading. I have a large military contract coming up. With it I'm actually going to be able to pay off my car - the poor bank is only getting 1 month of interest out of me
  5. Meanwhile, GWG gets... Prison Architect - September 1-30 (Xbox One) Livelock - September 16-October 15 (Xbox One) LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars - September 1-15 (Xbox One, Xbox 360) Sega Vintage Collection: Monster World - September 16-30 (Xbox One, Xbox 360) Sony wins September!
  6. I shall keep you in mind if I do indeed upgrade! The one thing that’s holding me back is that I’ll also need a new monitor, and the only HDR GSync monitors currently available are $2k (I have two 980 Ti)
  7. Riiiiiiiight. I’m talking about life-long things like insulin which people often have to choose to pay for over other bills, not meds for treating symptoms from a cold.
  8. No it wasn’t. It was a PSX game were you played a cop in the future seeking revenge on a cyborg that killed your partner.
  9. Unless I missed something, there’s no release date slated for the game. The June 2019 “projection” is based on a time-limit on the grant CDPR was given by the Polish government. I’m just curious to see how they’re squeezing this much out of the current gen console CPUs, or if they found a way to offload to the GPU.
  10. I’m curious if it will actually come out during this gen of consoles - there was a lot going on that looked cpu-based (amount of npcs/ai on screen at once, the physics going on with shooting through walls and the walls reacting, etc) and we all know that the current crop if consoles are a bit cpu-limited.
  11. I was surprised to see boobs on a YouTube vid - isn’t that against their ToS for vids? Anyway, game looks great
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