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Everything posted by Spork3245

  1. Uh-huh, yet you still don't need a 2080 Ti for 4k 30fps so.... again, what is your actual argument? That a 2080 Ti is a 4k/60fps card even though it's not...? Oooookay.
  2. No shit. RT isn’t being used in any of the benches. Cool red herring, though?
  3. I’ve been saying Ray-Tracing is the future of graphics for like a decade now... so... uhh... what?
  4. Been here since 1989. Welcome to not actually having a 4k/60fps card.
  5. BTW, I didn’t have time to check the links yet, just saw those posted pics: was FSAA running in those ultra settings or no?
  6. Yea, I mean, it’s almost a 4k/60fps card, but to flat out say that it’s totally a 4k/60fps card and then add “if you turn stuff down” or “use dynamic resolution” is fairly ridiculous.
  7. When the average fps is already below 60fps, preeeeeetty sure it’ll be “frequent”. Also, olo at spending $1k+ to reduce settings.
  8. It’s not a 4k 60fps card if you’re sacrificing the 4k through dynamic resolution...
  9. ... Did you even read any of my posts? The issue is that it's not and/or barely achieving 4k/60 on current games. Your first reply to me you even quoted me as saying it's still under or barely above 60fps at 4k.
  10. Except for the XboneX I got for $450 will run games at 4k better than that low-end AMD RX card... So... I don't understand the argument you're trying to make here? EDIT: My comment about the XboneX is if you're spending $1000+ on a 2080 Ti with the goal of 4k 30fps... like... why even bother with the Ti model at that point? The goal of spending the cash for the Ti should be for 4k 60fps.
  11. Then yea, we're on the same gen as the 7xx series as that released around the same time as the PS4/Xbone
  12. What "gen" are you referencing? We're technically on the same gen as the 7xx series graphics-wise.
  13. Next gen isn't happening for ~2 years when PS5/Xbox-whatever releases. Current gen = now til 2020/2021. If 4k 30fps is acceptable, might as well save money and get an Xbone X
  14. One that isn’t compatible with current video cards due to everything now being DVI-D. The 9xx nVidia series is the last with DVI-I, and the Digital to Analog converters are absolute garbage.
  15. Hmmm... I'm debating if this is actually worth a $3k upgrade (I'll need a new monitor).
  16. Wtf? The Ti is still under or barely above 60fps on most current (big) titles in 4k...? BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  17. WTF? F U. https://www.playstation.com/en-us/explore/playstation-classic/
  18. Oh, I’m thinking of Quasar and Epoch, maybe...?
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