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Everything posted by Spork3245

  1. Then it definitely does not disqualify the 10xx series as the option to use it isn’t even available...
  2. I’m asking if the option will be greyed out... And it does not disqualify it as I already stated that RT is a different story, just as I would consider PhysX a different story.
  3. Ray-Tracing is really a different story, and will a 1080 Ti even be able to use RT? I thought it was hardware dependent (in the way it’s being implemented through the RTX stuff)?
  4. I’m curious... did you consider going full-Lee on nVidia via that customer service link?
  5. The RTitanX for the paltry sum of $5k will be yours in 3-4 months.
  6. @Mr.Vic20 only orders direct from the manufacturer. How dare you accuse him of being a low-life plebian!
  7. I heard that he's actually a time traveler and got the idea from Thor before Rocket gave Thor that mechanical eye. He was like "that's badass, man!" and has gone with it ever since.
  8. Hackers installed ‘sophisticated’ malware on Newegg’s servers to steal customer data
  9. The explanation is that he just thinks it looked cool and has nothing actually wrong with the underlying eye.
  10. It's no longer a 1080/60 card, no. I would certainly say that it's good for 1080p/60 in most games, though (or a "mid-range card" where sacrifices should be expected). If 1080p/60 (ultra) is your goal for the next 12-months I wouldn't recommend less than a 1070/980 Ti... But, that card (your 980) is 4 years old now.
  11. Then it's not a 4k/60 card, and if it is then so is my SLI 980 Ti. I'm using your own argument as to how the 2080 Ti is a 4k/60 card for the XboneX being a 4k/30 machine to show you how terrible your argument is. I'm glad we both agree that the argument is just awful.
  12. I meant PS2's PSX emulation, not PS2 emulation on PS3. *my post wasn't obvious so I want to clarify even if you understood what I meant.
  13. Are you sure about that? Link? I know PS2 moved to software on the second gen PS3, but I thought PSX was always hardware based?
  14. The crazy and annoying this is... Is it legit just Lara's hair with hair works and not like 10 other things on screen being affected? Because previous games used TressFX and had WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY less impact on framerate.
  15. BTW, that being said, I'm probably still going to wind up buying one
  16. That's my point - those outliers are AAA games that are releasing basically alongside the card. I remember when the Titan V and whatever was prior came out and we all exclaimed "OMG finally 4k/60!" as it ran everything currently available at the time at 4k/60 except for shit games like Ghost Recon which we don't count because shit game = shit. I'm disappointed that the 2080 Ti is not the same - if a game came out 6+ months from now, yea, whatever, I wouldn't bat an eye. But, for it not to run the newest Tomb Raider at a solid 4k/60 is a little redonk IMO considering the equally redonk price tag. Again, I'm totally fine with saying it's almost a 4k/60 card or even that it's pretty much a 4k/60 card. But it needs those qualifiers as it's not a flat-out 4k/60 card going by the benches of the current games. SAD!
  17. I mean, if the argument is that 4k/30fps is totally fine and making graphical sacrifices and sacrifices in resolution by using dynamic resolution to achieve that is acceptable then an XboneX is totally the perfect thing for you. I choose high-end PC gaming because I don't want to make said sacrifices. When you say a 4k/60 card it's assumed that you're talking about maxed graphical fidelity outside of maybe things like AA. I could technically run pretty much everything at 4k/60fps on my 980 Tis if I run in low settings.
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