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Everything posted by Spork3245

  1. TBF, those game bundles always happen months after launch. No card that I’ve purchased at launch ever came with a game.
  2. The combat ones were super easy, you just need to have (and use) skills and maxed out gadgets constantly. F those drone ones, though.
  3. You probably have to enable Windows awful HDR as I don't see an HDR option in the game settings.
  4. Horse balls are big Horse balls are blue So, put your hands together You can use the expulsion as glue
  5. You know I was mentioned in the OP, right?
  6. Read the link above the photo. The very comparison of the two is crazy to me. And I do not visit Pro-Trump sites either, I meant social media pages, which are generating these and where people are getting these things to share.
  7. I'm not sure what you mean, it's memes floating around social media/Pro-Trump pages Here's one of them (NSFW) In regards to Cosby: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/03/arts/television/camille-cosby-emmett-till.html
  8. Pretty much my reaction, though, mine had more than a single curse word attached.
  9. Prep your buttholes, Emmett Till is the new talking point for Trumpers and why women shouldn't be believed. (He's also being used for Cosby, albeit differently)
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