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Everything posted by Spork3245

  1. I know and saw that well after-the-fact. I find it beyond odd as if you don't want to be "Star Warsy" and be different... then... umm... make a non-Star Wars movie. Don't get me wrong, again, the movie wasn't as horrible as many made it out to be and some of the criticism was just complaining for the sake of doing so (ie: criticism regarding Leia having force powers... like... why wouldn't she and how do you know she didn't train a little after RotJ? or "bombs wouldn't fall straight down without gravity!!11!1!"... seriously? THAT'S what breaks a movie for you? ). Just wasn't for me and is certainly my second least favorite Star Wars movie after Phantom Menace.
  2. I've been mostly ignoring these TLJ threads because of how fiercely people support it, but yea, it wasn't great, IMO. If you like it, fine, cool, good for you. I personally didn't. I didn't *hate* the movie, but it just was too much "oh, haha, you thought X was going to happen? olo! F U! Let's not be too Star Warsy here!".
  3. To me, it came off as a way to disguise an insult inside a "what about-ism" style reference. I do understand how it could be innocent, much like the idiotic Hatch "attractive/pleasing" remark (he meant rhetorically as a witness, not physically - but it was still ridiculously stupid and bad wording). The Carvill quote was just unnecessary if Graham didn't mean it towards Ford, even partly. But, again, I do get how it can be innocent. No. No, you do not. Abortion, executive power, "a president cannot be indicted", etc
  4. The question was in regards to Trump’s mocking of Ford last night, Graham then stated that everything Trump said was “factual” said “he [Graham] could figure this out right now” then used the quote in question. If he didn’t mean it to insinuate about Ford, he sure chose his words poorly. He then seemingly spent the rest of the time in the clip walking it back once he realized most wouldn’t get the reference. It was a stupid thing to say, regardless of how it may or may not have been meant.
  5. Get good Get a car that doesn’t oversteer: mid engine and rear wheel drive.
  6. It’s a James Carvill quote in reference to Bill Clinton accusers, iirc. I wouldn’t really say it’s “Riley-level misleading” as Graham still used the abhorrent quote and probably shouldn’t have.
  7. My fiancé’s 5 year old niece has an iPhone X... 5... years... old...
  8. All of the ones near me are currently Halloween pop-up stores
  9. AKA: I did a crappy deal because I didn't think my creation was all that good, now I'm mad.
  10. The one where you get a set of horse balls or the one where you get RDR2? It's probably best to enter both.
  11. So, it’s quite amazing how this Forza not only looks better graphically than any previous Forza, including non-Horizon entries, but (on PC) it also runs better.
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