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Everything posted by Spork3245

  1. The only thing that would disqualify him for Republicans would be if he voted for Hillary and not sarcastically.
  2. Trying to help you get a better car by posting one of the models you're looking at and in your price range that retailed for $11k over the asking price on the link when it was new. But, hey, whatever.
  3. Yes, base model. I posted a fully-loaded one, used, one MY old, barely any miles, right around your budget (and these are not high-end). With a $25k budget, you're best off getting a used one with low miles so you can get a better car with better features and a better (potentially more reliable) engine, as I posted above. Depreciation is your best friend. I just don't think "new" is the best idea in your circumstance.
  4. That won’t get you too far new https://www.carmax.com/car/16164388?utm_campaign=AppShareiOSShareCar&utm_source=AppShareiOS&utm_medium=AppShareiOS https://www.carmax.com/car/16318754?utm_campaign=AppShareiOSShareCar&utm_source=AppShareiOS&utm_medium=AppShareiOS
  5. It'd probably be best to wait 3-ish months for prices to normalize and grab a 2080 Ti with waaaaaaaaaaaaay better cooling than the base model. That's what I'm doing.
  6. What are you looking to spend?
  7. Then you probably shouldn't be looking at one Better off just going for the 2080 non-ti, IMO.
  8. I know nothing of the director and was using the Raimi example for the “feel” of my “let’s not be too Star Warsy” comment. Hence the “no, maybe, I don’t know”.
  9. The Empire Strikes Back says “hello”. When I use the term “Star Warsy” I’m referencing what makes SW SW, and that does not need to be removed or an “olo F U” to fans put in its place to make a good movie. I do understand your point, though, however... I think The Winter Soldier is probably the best example I can give as to what I mean here, as I’ll admit a “feel” is not the easiest to explain clearly. TWS was different from every other Disney-Marvel film in the franchise, yet was still a Marvel Superhero movie and maintained that throughout despite the huge difference in tone, dialogue, and pacing throughout the film. I do not see a Marvel movie to see something with the superhero aspect vastly different and removed than in other films, though, I’d welcome it to be enhanced/improved/changed. That’s where TLJ lost me, it wanted to not be a SW movie while still being SW, IMO. It reminds me of Sony forcing Raimi to make Spider-Man 3 with the symbiots; Raimi wasn’t a fan of the symbiots/Venom and it showed in the movie. Am I saying TLJ’s director isn’t a SW fan? No, maybe, I don’t know.
  10. To me, slow does not make one movie more a movie than another. There was plenty of character development and dialogue in both in TFA and RO, iirc. My dislike of TLJ has nothing to do with the slower scenes, btw.
  11. I’m not sure I see how TLJ is closer to a “real movie” than Rogue One. TFA was basically a nostalgic love letter to Star Wars fans, though. TLJ was more Marvel than either of the others, IMO. However, just like I can have my opinion, you can certainly have yours. (I state this about opinions as that is eternally lost in every single TLJ thread that I’ve seen here)
  12. Maybe I’m mistaken but I think his comment was in reference to Star Wars some how not being a “real movie”.
  13. How many kegs of beer do you guys think Kavanaugh will drink in celebration of his confirmation? My guess: all of them.
  14. I’m going to check out a Genesis G70 tomorrow. I contacted this dealer like 4 months back asking when the G70 was coming out and they blew up my phone yesterday as they just got their first shipment. I already have my Mustang, yes... but they don’t know that! Plus, my fiancé is actually semi-interested in maybe switching from her Infiniti to a G70 in the next 6-9 months anyway.
  15. Did I see Crab People at 2:10? Seems like they’re taking a lot of liberties with the Vampire Coast faction, no? I’m not a Warhammer expert but I vaguely remember reading people saying that VC wouldn’t make a good faction for the game since it’s mostly just undead pirates and not much in the way of unique units. @Zaku3
  16. Gee, it’s almost like the sham investigation was just a bs way to drag this out another week and give time to change and secure potential “no” votes into “yes” votes.
  17. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F173570513765
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