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Everything posted by Spork3245

  1. I’m not necessarily disagreeing, however, I cannot imagine people looking forward to this movie in the same way DC fanboys were praying for a decent DC film.
  2. Firstly, that’s not balanced. Secondly, fuck balance. Everything needs to be packed with dems for a decade or more to undo the majority of bullshit this administration has and will continue to bring.
  3. I know what this is insinuating and I certainly do not agree with it, but omfgrofl
  4. Very true! However, a lot of the Suicide Squad and Justice League positive reviews were crazy DC defenders, IIRC. I remember people here pointing it out in the respective thread for each movie.
  5. I noticed that this movie is getting trashed by critics and praised by regular people. I haven’t noticed a disparity in reviews between “professionals” and “general public” this large in awhile. (Last I checked it was around 88% for user reviews and 30% for professional reviews) That being said, I look forward to renting it on iTunes/Vudu in about 4-6 months
  6. You’ll be just in time to get back to 60fps 4k with Ray-Tracing enabled
  7. For gaming purposes, at 4k, when are you going to significantly break 60fps where the 144hz is even worth it? Or am I grossly misunderstanding the point?
  8. My 40gb PS3 died, while my near-launch model X360 still seems to work.
  9. Maserati’s are just Fiat/Chrysler now and have become the joke of the automotive industry. They use incredibly cheap parts everywhere and are overpriced, even considering how much they’ve been devalued (I could have leased one for >$500/month). At least with Alfa Romeo they use unique parts and aren’t filled with interior parts from a $20k Dodge Dart.
  10. I would like to point out that this link does not direct to pornhub.
  11. Heated seats in the winter will change your life.
  12. I get that I'm just saying that a low-mileage used Legacy or Infiniti Q50 is probably the best bet for AWD, reliability, mpg, and value for your budget. Going new at your price-range is just immediate heartache from the instant depreciation and lack of features/blank buttons that you could have gotten from a "practically" new car, IMO (and I'm not chastising the amount of money you're willing to spend - don't take it that way! It's just that cars at the $25k mark, at least with the AWD that you want, are basically gigantic cock teases and penny pinched to hell). And you're right, it will depreciate more by the time you're ready to buy, which is why it's good to get an idea of what you want now within a grand or two of your budget. Like, I'm not saying you want heated seats and a heated steering wheel... I'M SAYING YOU ABSOLUTELY NEED THESE THINGS!!!!!!!
  13. The only thing that would disqualify him for Republicans would be if he voted for Hillary and not sarcastically.
  14. Trying to help you get a better car by posting one of the models you're looking at and in your price range that retailed for $11k over the asking price on the link when it was new. But, hey, whatever.
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