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Everything posted by Spork3245

  1. There's a rumor floating around that WWE is frantically looking for a new venue for Crown Jewel. Ticket sales were supposed to begin last week but have been postponed until 11/02, the day of the show.
  2. The problem originates with him winning the primary. Him vs a GOP rival, though? Hmm, who do you think is worse?
  3. Probably because they dig their heels in, either vote third party or not at all, the dems lose, so it’s still not the time. As @b_m_b_m_b_m said, we need to see who wins and by how much, then possibly use that for indication of where to bring the party. With the way courts are being packed, districts are being more and more gerrymandered, and states as a whole are being more and more suppressive for voters. Losing now over “well, I like the MAJORITY of your platform, buuuuuut...” could potentially kill future chances of the party gaining control again, let alone allowing it to evolve to a better platform.
  4. The right will, with little exception, vote for whatever “R” is put in front of them, it’s practically a cult and has been this way for about a decade now. The left seems to always have so many varying viewpoints that no candidate is ever good enough for the entire party - it’s like “oh, I agree with 90% of what you support, but I can’t possibly support you because I disagree with 10%!”. No, I’m not saying Dems need to vote like a cult or put party over their own morals/ethics, I’m saying that they need to be f’n adults and look at the long game as well as what allowing the other side to win brings. Support Dems now, level the playing field, get the country back on a better track based on the platform of the party, THEN worry about inner-party bs.
  5. Yes, we should vote for candidates like Jill Stein instead. That won’t put republicans in power... wait.
  6. Supposedly John Cena and Daniel Bryan both have refused to go to Saudi Arabia.
  7. How brave of him for standing up to Trump and his party by denying Kavanaugh a confirmation vote.
  8. She probably thinks it’s funny somehow. She has an odd sense of humor to say the least.
  9. You forgot to mention that HHH will be performing sex acts on a corpse while Big Boss Man pulls Big Show’s father’s casket with his truck while feeding Al Snow his stolen pet dog. Randy Orton will tell Rey Mysterio his best friend is in hell about a month after his death. All the while Vince McMahon will have an actual wrestling match against God (and win), at the same time Vince will fake his own death and push for an incest storyline with his own daughter to capitalize on her real life pregnancy. Oh, and a 75 year old woman will give birth to a human hand.
  10. Is the health boost the one where you can recover 25% health? I got the spartan kick, the spear throw, the assassination one where it auto-loots for you, and I also got an arrow one that allows you to target multiple enemies for a single shot. (I got all these before coming in here to ask you guys )
  11. I don’t think even WWE is sick enough to fake canc... oh, who the hell am I kidding? IT’S A WORK!
  12. Ahahaha - I seriously said basically the same thing to my fiancé at the beginning!
  13. Okay, I’ll say it: it took leukemia to get Reigns cheered. Seriously, for his family, I hope he beats it and recovers.
  14. Just started the game last night - where do you guys recommend putting my first handful of ability points? Also, killed my first mercenary, it was recommended for level 5, but I was level 4... I cheesed the living crap out of him in a town: I climbed onto a roof, would hit him with 2-3 headshots from my bow, with the first 1-2 shots he would run and try to hide before figuring out my location, I would then jump down the back of the barn, circle around, hide in a bush, wait for him to jump off the roof, then repeat until he was down to about 25%-ish health, then I got behind him and did an assassination.
  15. This was easily the best season of any Marvel Netflix show yet, IMO. It even beats out The Punisher.
  16. That’s my point and why he’s used brilliantly. His first episode ended on Cartman: you’re the worst character ever, Towlie Towlie: yea, I know
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