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Everything posted by Spork3245

  1. I think that the guy at the diner may have been my favorite thing yet this season
  2. There are people that I didn't even kill, I go to loot the body and some random npc sees me doing it and accuses me of murder then runs off to alert LE. That's the risk/reward, a passerby will report you for looting and you'll potentially wind up with a bounty on your head.
  3. Did Andy Kim take MacAurthur's seat in NJ or is it still too close to call? It looks like Kim pulled ahead by 0.9% since this afternoon. (I'm catching up on this thread, at page 60/67, so sorry if the answer was posted already )
  4. I have several bridges to sell you if you’re interested. I also have this lovely bag of beans for sale, they’re magic, I swear.
  5. Then limit it to food. Everyone likes food. Liberals may claim to hate it, but they'll still eat that sweet sweet Chic-Fil-A
  6. I kind of don't understand why it's illegal. I could see if you only got something if you voted for a certain party/candidate, but if it doesn't matter who you voted for, then who cares? It encourages people to vote and does not manipulate the way they cast it.
  7. There’s only one thing on the ballot that’s not a candidate. It’s (paraphrased) if NJ can borrow $500m to improve school sizes and increase campus security at state colleges. We did go to together, and it’s one booth per district (I think there are 3-4 wards each with 3 districts for the township I’m in). Each room in the municipal building is set up with 2-3 districts, mine held two districts, one on each side of the room. The sign-in is set-up with 2-3 booklets per district (pending how many people), mine was A-K and L-Z (by last name), the person had trouble finding my fiancé’s last name (was looking for Folmer instead of Fulmer) so people from the L-Z line got behind me while she was checking in. People get weird if you’re just standing in there waiting around and not in line to check-in or vote, so I went back out to the car after voting.
  8. I’m not saying it’s impossible, but it was a ~50y/o woman, so I don’t thi.... okay, yea, she def was.
  9. NJ here, there was one person ahead of me for the booth, they were in there for nearly 10 full minutes (as such, a line formed), I went in after them and was maybe 20-30 seconds, I’m not even being hyperbolic. My fiancé was two people behind me and she walked out about a minute after me (I walked out to the car, sat in it, looked up and she was walking out of the municipal building). I have no clue what that first person was doing.
  10. @Dodger https://www.carmax.com/car/16225542?utm_campaign=AppShareiOSShareCar&utm_source=AppShareiOS&utm_medium=AppShareiOS
  11. G80 would be a good alternative for an A6
  12. @Dodger, I completely forgot that you were looking at sedans in the low-$50k range - I would def check out the Genesis G70, it's neck-and-neck with the Audi S4 that I previously recommended. I'm also pretty certain it's a hair faster to 60mph as well: the Kia Stinger GT, which has the same engine, advertises a 4.7 sec 0-60, but pretty much every reviewer and test show a 4.4 sec (or better) 0-60, the Audi S4 advertises a 4.4 0-60 with people getting the same 4.4. The G70 is around 200lbs lighter than the Stinger GT so it should easily be in the 4.3 range. Also, with the Stinger GT, tunes and a cold air intake seem to push people into the mid-high 3-second range. The only things that the Audi S4 has over the G70 are massaging seats + that Audi brand recognition, but overall the G70 has more features for a waaaaay lower price, like $10k+ less than the S4 with the same features (plus the G70 has that 5 years of included maintenance with pick-up and drop off of a loaner included) - the S5 fastback (4-door hatchback version) also has the power tailgate/trunk, but it's also heavier and slower than either the S4 or G70... and an extra $2-.3k over the S4.
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