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Everything posted by Spork3245

  1. I think that may be kinguin and G2A was a marketplace where people sold Russian and other foreign codes but I haven’t used either. Maybe it was both.
  2. 80-ish percentile and up. The majority of Will Smith movies of the past decade are in the “poor” to “mediocre” range. 68 is a D. “Unarguably” is obvious hyperbole. Will Smith hasn’t signed on to a truly good and rememberable movie in a ridiculous amount of time afaik. He makes mediocre to average slog-fests and nothing else. It’d be nice if this breaks his trend, though.
  3. That didn’t help your case... you do understand that, right? That’s in the mediocre/average range
  4. Seriously, what’s the last unarguably good movie that Will Smith has made?
  5. You haven’t been following his movies much in the past 12 years, have you?
  6. Does he still have that shit on his head or is that the shit he ate to get his grin going?
  7. I’m forever waiting for Total Warhammer race/faction DLC to go on sale for a reasonable price
  8. I have it on PC, it’s a lot of fun, if a bit simple. Like, once you figure out the “formula” of everything it’s kinda easy, but still a ton of fun.
  9. Neither will sitting there and letting him, lil Marco, low energy Jeb, lyin’ Ted, crooked Hillary. It’s not about sinking to his level, it’s about stopping him in his tracks and leaving him bewildered. Do you think what Pelosi did was “name calling” or “wrestling with pigs”? Because that’s what we’re talking about here; branding things.
  10. I believe he meant to hit Trump with nicknames before Trump can make the same ones for the opponent as a way to take Trump off guard and shut him down, as Pelosi did.
  11. I loved how disappointed he was when Pelosi beat him to the punch of calling it a “Trump Shut Down” before he could label it a “Pelosi Shut Down”
  12. I believe “Judge” Jeanine has overtaken all the other shitheads on the Fox News network.
  13. Truth/Carmella are going to win the mixed match challenge, as the winners get the number 30 spot for the royal rumble. It’s all so they can have Truth come out for #30 in the Women’s Rumble and do his “my bad” bit.
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