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Everything posted by Spork3245

  1. Not my fault this order is taking so long
  2. I was going to make this thread later today I should hopefully have my 2019 Mustang GT in early August.
  3. The fall-in-line mentality of 95% of Republicans is almost cult-like. There’s nothing inherently wrong with conservatism, but something has certainly become “wrong” within the GOP - it’s been brewing for years, but lately it’s boiled over.
  4. I hope not. The PS5 should support a much higher res headset with infinitely better motion tracking.
  5. Correct. That’s where VRR will be standard. I just keep thinking I should wait the 8-ish months.
  6. Uuuuuugh I keep going back to “but I want variable refresh rate”
  7. Aaaaaaaaaand is that a good price? I'm about to break down and buy it even though I wanted to wait for VRR
  8. Wait, does the C8P do Dolby Vision and HDR or just Dolby Vision?
  9. https://www.ebay.com/itm/253616294985?afepn=5337259887&pguid=9b6d470c1420a5f16406ee16fafe1406&siteId=0&AdChoicePreference=true&rmvSB=true
  10. Need an answer... quickly What would I be losing out compared to other models? It’s not the “UA” model. EDIT: It is the UA
  11. Yea, I have an extra code from the E3 event I went to. I also have some Fortnite skins that I'm not going to use if anyone wants that code.
  12. FUUUUUUUUUU SORRY The code is mislabeled because Sony sucks, even the thing I click prior just says “Gucamelee! 2” Code seems to be for the Super Turbo Edition of the first game ... STILL AVAILABLE, THOUGH
  13. He didn’t even get the usual “we wish [insert name] the best in their future endeavors”, just the “WWE has come to terms with the release”. Breaking him and Enzo up was such a crap move by Vince, IMO... Looks like he had an incident with his ex, Carmella, back stage that led to this: https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2782510-big-cass-reportedly-released-by-wwe-after-incident-with-carmella
  14. I don’t have his email... Let me see if I’m PSN or XBL friends with him. I thought I saw him on Discord?
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