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Everything posted by Spork3245

  1. I was actually thinking of saccharin, though, I think the cancer-thing was debunked. Right, I was just posting an article that notates the conflicting reports, I wasn’t even attempting to list studies. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4990242/#!po=64.1667 You can do whatever you like, no one is stating otherwise.
  2. The reward system in FM4 gave you a better sense of progression and something to work for, IMO.
  3. That’s because I scrolled too far and it redirected, thus I linked the wrong article https://www.livestrong.com/article/503618-does-diet-soda-slow-the-metabolism/
  4. Yes, it's because you're a horrible person. Seriously, if you own an XBOX and don't enjoy Forza, you're just doing it wrong.
  5. Ehhhhhhhh, the jury is very much out on that as the studies available tend to conflict. https://www.livestrong.com/article/224712-diet-sodas-effects-on-liver-functions/ Basically put, in moderation, it's unlikely to affect you positively or negatively. EDIT: Sucralose vs Aspartame is something that really needs to be taken into consideration as well.
  6. I more-or-less only drink water, I'll have a Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi once/month, at most - the exception being my BCAA and pre-workout powders. Honestly, if Coke removed aspartame from their diet/zero drinks, I'd switch to Cherry Coke Zero I just hate drinking my calories.
  7. I'm sure people had fun with Battlefront's single player as well, doesn't mean that the game isn't multiplayer focused with SP being extremely short and mostly an afterthought.
  8. It's a bad time not because of poor sales but because new headsets with (built-in) wireless capability and higher-resolutions are likely very near.
  9. It's like 5 hours long It's not the newest Forizon (see what I did there?) but it's the second to latest one. If Forza 6 came as games w/gold in the next 6 month, that'd be good too. 3-4-year-old games are kinda what should be expected for these freebies, and a good game is a good game.
  10. You should google it. Good things may happen.
  11. Sam Goody? They sold comics, movies and music!
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