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Everything posted by Spork3245

  1. Same, though I’ve noticed that most of the people who call Biden that call Hamas “freedom fighters”, so. Too many people root for this shit like it’s sports teams.
  2. Tell me you know nothing about the aid the US gives Israel without telling me you know nothing about the aid. Israel does not need the US aid, at all. It’s a leash and a deterrent to surrounding countries who would otherwise attack. The only reason that the Palestinian states aren’t destroyed is because of the leash. Cutting the aid only holds back a more extreme campaign by a few weeks to a few months while Israel sources new weapons/ammo from elsewhere and/or gets their own factories up to capacity. If you don’t think the current “checks” in place are enough, imagine what’s there being completely gone. Of course, I’m sure you’re not actually bothering to think about any of this and will continue with some “trying to be witty” and overly obtuse response only proving your ignorance on the region.
  3. Ah, so you’d rather larger wars with more death? And also the complete destruction of both Palestinian states?
  4. I mean, sure, if you want Israel and Netanyahu to go completely unchecked and start preemptively attacking anyone/anything they view as a threat in a “show of force” since they no longer have US Support as a major deterrent for conflict.
  5. It’s amazing that people get to say “fuck Israel”, “Israel sucks”, etc, but “fuck Palestine” would be “omg you need to separate Hamas from Gazans!”, at least from the ones who don’t think they’re “freedom fighters” because then you’re just called a bigot.
  6. Anyway, to answer @CheeTo’s question, one of the reasons this war gets protested and not the others is the disproportionate amount of civilian deaths on one side (Gaza). However, and I’m sure I’ll get shit for saying this, what’s largely and seemingly constantly ignored is that Hamas purposely uses civilians as human shields to increase the death toll. However, when you have a far-right POS like Netanyahu at the helm of the Israeli government, he’s more than happy to use that as an excuse to not exercise caution nor take any steps to attempt to limit said civilian deaths. If Hamas gave a shit about the civilians in Gaza there’d already be a ceasefire: however, that would involve Hamas stepping down from power alongside releasing the remaining hostages, of course they also need to make demands to benefit Gaza and the civilians there - something could lead to actual peace (and obviously this would put the remainder on Israel because it’s not all on Hamas)… but since that would involve Hamas no longer having power and Israel still existing it won’t happen.
  7. And why are they on a “revenge campaign”? Hamas needs to be condemned as much as Israel and it’s mind blowing how much of a free pass they seem to be getting in the past couple of months. News outlets treat them like a legitimate government over the past few weeks. Basically no one in Israel likes Netanyahu, with over 50% wanting him to resign and call for new elections immediately, that number grows to nearly 70% with “once the war is over”/“once the hostages are returned”, and 87% for him not to seek reelection after his term. Netanyahu and his regime sucks, but it’s so tiring to see only one side constantly being blamed. Everyone involved sucks, and only the civilians suffer.
  8. I really question why you guys are excited about this given Zotac’s quality control and customer service stories I’ve seen. @stepeeI know you ultimately got your Zotac 4090 replaced but I also remember the experience not exactly being smooth, but correct me if I’m wrong. I know you guys want something higher performance than a Steam Deck with an OLED screen… but…
  9. Deadpool & Wolverine will probably be the first movie I see in theaters since pre-COVID. I’d rather watch stuff at home, especially since it’s like 4-8 weeks out from streaming these days.
  10. This interview is fantastic. I had no idea Biden was suicidal after losing his first wife and daughter.
  11. Yea, I’ll be moving… DEEZ NUTZ INTO YO MOUTH, HO
  12. Oh, I also forgot to mention: I have never in my life winced or shuttered at the brutality of a fight scene in a movie, and this one made me do it twice. Legit some of the most brutal fight scenes I’ve ever seen put to screen in movie or TV.
  13. This is on VoD streaming now. Fantastic movie. It’s basically a new Shoot’Em Up (2007) but obviously more melee combat focused. So much fun. A bit weird that it’s 4k but no HDR available as far as I can tell. Visually it’s really stunning and HDR would’ve made a lot of scenes pop to Pacific Rim levels.
  14. https://videocardz.com/newz/amd-to-introduce-ryzen-9-5900xt-and-ryzen-7-5700xt-processors-7-years-after-first-am4-cpu-launch AM4 will be milked for eternity Looks like they’re slapping 4 additional cores on the 5900x, adding 8mb more cache, and adding 100mhz to the boost clock. I really don’t see the point in this.
  15. No, he’s skipping the 5090 because he’s moving and is worried it’s going to add 50-100lbs
  16. Wait, I’m confused. Who’s vacuuming whose tits? Also, why do they need to be vacuumed? Were they eating crackers while shirtless? Saltines or Ritz?
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