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Everything posted by Uaarkson

  1. I’d imagine a lot of people are just going to hang out in their cars tonight. This is why you ALWAYS fill up before a major snowstorm. If I lived down there, I’d probably have a truck, and I would use it to check on all my neighbors.
  2. You really think these chuds could get elected in another 10 or 20 years? All the data shows society shifting left over time, and the only reason Republicans hold on to power is through cheating and corruption, in a system that already heavily favors them. Are there going to be enough beer-belly putschers left by the end of the decade to return them to power? I don't see it.
  3. Who knows man. The demographics just aren't there to keep up the charade too much longer.
  4. Yeah, it's colder in some parts of the South right now than it is in Michigan. Insanity.
  5. I unfollowed the Lincoln Project a while ago. They're a buncha chuds.
  6. I believe I mentioned in another thread that she looked like she had fucked up chromosomes
  7. Big box stores are dying. I really don’t see a future for those buildings. You can’t replace all of them with warehousing.
  8. New report says arsenic, other metals consistently contaminate baby foods | Food Safety News WWW.FOODSAFETYNEWS.COM A new congressional report has revealed highly dangerous levels of arsenic and other poisons in baby food. It also reveals that Walmart, Campbell Foods, There's a chance my first born is impaired because of this horseshit. I've never been angrier about anything in my entire life.
  9. Jesus CHRIST. I remember commuting into Manhattan on the LIE in conditions like this. It's dumb luck I never got pancaked. This country is a literal death trap
  10. The hottest women I went to school with ended up with hideous guys. They really don’t care that much about appearance.
  11. Damn where can I get some of that psychoactive ANTIFA pussy? Once again, conservatives have accidentally dreamed up a totally awesome scenario that I only wish was true.
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