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Everything posted by Uaarkson

  1. The annihilation of shitty suburban chain restaurants has been COVID‘s greatest gift to MERICA
  2. I never stopped going to my dealer after legalization lol, his shit is better than the best they have at the dispo and it’s half the price
  3. what about student loans you defaulted on for 12 years straight and then recommitted to at the last second?
  4. I do nothing. It worked until about a year ago. So I'm fat now.
  5. Me and my friends used to yell “BOB DOLE” through the hallways in middle school. I have no idea why we thought that was so hilarious.
  6. Cruz just really wants the Guinness World Record for most instances if shit behavior while in office.
  7. Meanwhile in Michigan, I'm just sitting here in my apartment with free heat and the thermostat set to 76. God help Texas.
  8. I don't give a flying fuck if he was a character or not. Men like him are directly responsible for the brainwashing of an entire generation of Americans. I can only pray the rest of them drop dead shortly.
  9. He resigned almost immediately after, once he found out that his little rant got his wife fired from her job, lmao.
  10. I haven't done anything to my hair except wash it and cut it for the past decade.
  11. Try getting Vivitrol in your ass cheek less than a week after detoxing off heroin, then get back to me about bad shots!
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