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Everything posted by Uaarkson

  1. Lol I’m paying $850 a month for a one bedroom rental, you can all blow me
  2. It’s one thing for your bed to shake from side to side…but when it’s the entire world around you moving back and forth in concert…it’s just really freaky.
  3. Hey man, I’m on the spectrum too. It’s not the end of the world.
  4. Thank god both of my children are autistic and probably won’t be going to public school anyway.
  5. It’s almost as if the entire American way of life is wasteful and unsustainable and starting to collapse? Shocking.
  6. Which is good! People should never have to fear for their freedom over saving someone’s life.
  7. This decriminalizes possession up to 2.5 grams, not sale-manufacture. I agree that these kinds of drugs are harmful to society and that their sale and production should be banned. But do we really need to jail every poor addict that gets caught copping? In the 21st century? Of course not.
  8. Visibly upset? That is the face of a “man” who knows exactly how much of a piece of shit he is and still doesn’t care.
  9. I experienced a very minor earthquake in Japan, long time ago. One of the freakiest feelings you can imagine
  10. Northwestern engineers invent the world's smallest remote-controlled walking robots WWW.CNN.COM Engineers at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, invented the world's smallest remote-controlled walking robot, according to research published in the journal Science Robotics. You know, for when Iron Man drinks too many vodka tonics and goes to town on Iron Whore.
  11. Yeah, there’s just no way a heavily armed youth with body armor could ever make it through ONE door checkmate libs
  12. Yeah, you know what’s excellent for open world action RPGs? Amphetamine.
  13. Is this fucking crackhead going to weigh in on every single matter of national importance from now on and offer dumb or zero solutions as usual? Say it ain’t so.
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