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Everything posted by Uaarkson

  1. Jokes on us! Rap and hip hop have literally replaced the traditional “rock band”
  2. Ah sweet, manmade horrors beyond my comprehension, etc.
  3. The only hope is that these belief systems start to converge more as time passes and younger, internet native generations gain more control. In addition to those you mentioned, there is of course the massive generational divide in politics here as well.
  4. It blows my mind that there are people who make enough money to just pre-order brand new cars. Meanwhile here I am trying to scrape together $350 a month for my used piece of shit. And now I have to feel my ego bruised because our shithole of a country decides that this shit should be our sole mode of transportation
  5. I’ve read this post three times and still can’t figure out wtf ur tryna say bro
  6. I don’t buy this. If the internet broke us, it would have broke every democracy on Earth. The problem isn’t the internet, it’s us. We have a garbage culture and society and always have. All the internet has done is accelerate our inevitable dissolution
  7. Sorry bud I’m from the generation of people who still actually remember seeing The Matrix when it came out
  8. Because it is! Wait, oh I’m sorry, that wasn’t right. We’re all supposed to be trying to be all positive now.
  9. As far as I’m concerned, the people who allowed 4chan to grow and prosper into what it is now have blood on their hands.
  10. Jesus Christ. Fucking Shaggy from Scooby-Doo just slaughtering innocents
  11. It’s a skill. The world is shit and you have to trick that monkey brain to be happy.
  12. Sounds like your entire worldview is based around being purposely obtuse. If not, you’re just extremely dumb.
  13. And the sky is green. And I can shoot rainbows out my ass.
  14. They won’t do that because they’re all on the same shit eating team at the end of the day. lmao
  15. Country is collapsing and all the average moron is concerned about is gas prices.
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