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Everything posted by Uaarkson

  1. Keeping the nation intact after the civil war was a mistake
  2. Anyone wanna take bets on the likelihood of nuclear conflict within the next 5-10 years?
  3. Yeah, that’s pretty much how combat works in 90% of scenarios. Modern soldiers can almost never actually see what they’re shooting at.
  4. Gotta say, I'm more than a little impressed at the fight the Ukrainians are putting up. Russia is not an easy foe to beat back, but there seem to be hints that they're doing just that.
  5. Feels like all of this could spiral into something bigger pretty easily. Thank Christ Biden, and not Trump, is president.
  6. Every city in the U.S. with a population over 100,000 or any kind of economic/industrial/military significance would be hit, with multiple strikes in some cases.
  7. A nuclear strike against Russia would trigger an escalating series of counter strikes from underground missile silos, submarines, and stealth bombers. These strikes would be quickly followed by a barrage from the U.S. and its nuclear allies. These missiles would ping pong around the world for a few hours, killing billions in the process.
  8. Hey man, a huge chunk of that city is legitimate in-tact pre-war fabric. Go street view around the South side of the city and tell me it’s a strip mall. #MidwesternSolidarity
  9. Just when you thought Candace Owens couldn’t get any fucking dumber, she goes and transforms into a sack of bricks.
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