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Everything posted by Uaarkson

  1. Which is fine, because their viewpoints are illegitimate to the left. Just split the country in half already.
  2. Did Schumer’s balls re-emerge from his body after 60 years?
  3. If you’re a REAL American, this sweet summer air should be kindling your spirit and having you fantasize about firing rockets at traitors, while fireworks shoot off in the distance.
  4. And neither are straight up assassinations, bombings, armed insurrection and (state sponsored or otherwise) terrorism.
  5. Anyone else really struggling with severe depression since this news came out?
  6. Legalizing commercial development in all R-1 zones could make even cul-de-sac suburbs semi-walkable, and would boost GDP by a ridiculous amount
  7. Don’t ever let anyone tell you it can’t be done. It 100% can, and you 100% can. Also, here’s the thing about gym bros - you might think they’re mocking you, but if you started a conversation with one of them I bet you’d find yourself a good, supportive workout buddy. A lot of these guys are all about lifting others up.
  8. I can’t even fucking figure out which states are which on that god awful map.
  9. This should accelerate the demise of our United States rather quickly.
  10. I’ve never bought a single item online in my entire life. Ffs, I used to get 60 day WoW cards with cash at Best Buy.
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